Whoa! Long title, huh? lol I hope you all enjoyed the Blogiversary Celebration. It was a crazy 3 weeks, huh? During those 3 weeks I learned a lot about myself and about blogging.

  1. I learned that I miss having the freedom to blog whenever I want. lol My guest posters did such a fabulous job but I missed being able to blog just because. I found myself wanting to skip days of the blogiversary schedule just to slip a post in. (I’m so bad!) It probably had something to do with the fact that I have trouble finishing what I start. Anyone else have that problem or is it just me? That has to be one of my biggest flaws. I hate it about myself because it has kept me from reaching so many goals. Grrrr…. lol
  2. I learned that I really enjoy keeping this blog going. I enjoy blogging and connecting with other creative people. Maybe I just love being able to “talk” and have someone listen. Hey, I’m home with a 6 month old all day. Ain’t much conversing going on these days. I wouldn’t change it for the world though because each day I’m realizing how madly in LOVE I am with my little Kole. He melts my heart! But….you know what I mean.
  3. I learned that I enjoy crafting and creating things. And I want to focus some more time on that. I get giddy/excited when I walk through Michael’s and Hobby Lobby and I need to make time to do those things that I enjoy.
  4. I learned that doing blog design right now at this point in my life is just too much pressure and too tiring.  It takes away from time with my family and time working on projects (which I really miss!) so for now, that’s going to be on hold.
……..Now for the changes…….
I’m excited to introduce you to our 4 new contributors.
  • Abbie from Five Days Five Ways. She is gong to be our resident Reviving and Repurposing Junk Girl!
  • Kalyn from And I Thought I Loved You Then. She is going to be our resident Seasonal and Holiday Craft Girl.
  • Janny from Que Linda Crafts. She is going to be our resident Pinterest Round Up girl focusing on furniture revamps, before and after, roadkill rescue, etc.
  • Beverly from Mominizer. She is going to be our resident Home Decor/DIY Girl. 
You will see their creative goodness during the last week of each month. They all have something fresh and unique to bring to the blog and I’m excited to have them here.  When you get a chance go check out their blogs. 🙂
…….One Last Thing…….

Giveaways: I want to start hosting regular giveaways. Saturday is going to be our Giveaway Day. There are no fees for hosting giveaways. I just ask that your prize be at least $25 in value. 🙂 If you would like to sponsor a giveaway, please email me at {giveaways@thegirlcreative.com} and we will discuss things in further detail.

Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. Woo Hoo! So excited to be with such a talented group of ladies! Planning, planning, planning…xoxo Bev

  2. Sounds very exciting! Looking forward to the contributors and your random posts again! 😉 Have a great weekend!

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