So, it looks like everyone likes the linky party with the thumbnail photos so moving foward Just Something I Whipped Up Mondays will have that format. Yay!!!

I have not completed many physical projects the last week or so but I have been busy blog designing so I figured I’d show you some of those. I have to say, my customers have been great. So incredibly easy to work with. Makes this *job* a lot of fun!

Click images to see them live. 🙂

Thanks for letting me share. 🙂

Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. I love my blog design, I get compliments all the time on it, you rock and I love that I found your blog.

  2. Very, very cute – each and every one! You’re too good!

  3. YOU, sweet girl, were the BEST to work with!!! Thank you for being so flexible and being able to read my mind. I love my new look!

  4. Lisa @ Another Day Today says:

    They’re fabulous! I’m definitely going to have you re-do mine soon. I love your designs.

  5. It was great to work with you! Thanks for dealing with my while I changed my mind over and over and over again! I LOVE my blog look and will never change it! It’s the best. Have a great day!

  6. I think these are very well done! You obviously do a great job! My poor blog only gets redesigned by me – lol. Did you have to learn code? OH well, that is one of your trade secrets…no need to tell if you don’t want! They look great and I don’t know where you find the time!

  7. Hi Diana..I’m Barb from
    Thank you sooo much for hosting sucha great party..I have been doing yours & other link parties for 2 weeks now & I am floored by the traffic, comments, support, followers, love from these women…I have been trying to get things in order to have my own “My Creative Space Mondays” @
    Helen Eriksson suggested YOU as a person who might put my button up & help guide people to the Party. Would you be that kind as to do that for me?? I am really nervous about even being able to put the link correctly on my blog (I know I can cut & paste the html ok but does it have to be a new post ON THE DAY OF or can I play around to get the feel of it first??Before I make any BIG mistakes??? & is INLINKZ any easier to do than McLinky..I like the thumbnail photos…Any help would be so appreicated…Barb
    My email is

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