I’m FINALLY announcing our new contributors…officially! Thank you to everyone who applied. If you were not chosen, please feel free to submit projects for a guest post spot. 🙂
I’m so SO happy to share this news with you guys and I’m so grateful for these beautiful girls who have joined Project Inspire! They are all so talented in ways that I am not and I know they will bring such wonderful things each month!

You guys all know the fabulous Katie from Katie{Did}It! She has an adorable blog and Etsy shop that  keeps her busy (along with her family) and she is our resident round-up girl and Printable contributor! Connect with Katie on Facebook,  Pinterest and Google+.
Say Hi to an old favorite (and personal friend of mine) Dawn from The Heartland. You may know her for her ridiculously popular Best Ever Cream Cheese Cookies that she shared here ages ago and which has been pinned over 50k times! She is our resident baker and her and I will be blog swapping on the 3rd Thursday of each month. She will be sharing a delicious recipe here at Project Inspire and I will be sharing some free printable Subway Art over at her place. You can connect with Dawn on Twitter and Facebook.
Please extend a welcome to the talented Jennifer from A Jennuine Life who will be our Thrifty to Nifty contributor! She will take ordinary items and turn them into something nifty! If you have something you’ve taken from Thrifty to Nifty then make sure you link up each Thursday over at her blog for her weekly linky party. Connect with Jennifer on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
And last but definitely not least is Barbara from Chase the Star! Barbara will be sharing Home Decor projects. I totally have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to home decor so I’m excited to see what she is going to bring to Project Inspire. Barbara is also part of The Creative Headquarters, a new site that features YOUR projects so if you have a project you’d like to submit, head on over! Connect with Barbara on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+.
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Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. Barbara Hiatt says:

    I’m honored to be your newest contributor Diana! Thank you for the wonderful opportunity!
    Barbara at Chase the Star

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