I’m so grateful to Katie from Katie{Did}It, who takes time out of her busy schedule to help me with this feature post each week. If you haven’t been to her blog, please stop by and say hello. 🙂 
In random order………..

I love this rustic wooden tree with a great reminder of the reason for the season, from Marty’s Musings
Love this sweet and simple keepsake ornament from Happy Go Lucky
I would love to make some of these t-shirt stockings one day. How special would that be several years later? From Smallgood Hearth
How freakin adorable is this party mix?! It would be so fun to take to a Christmas Party! From Todd and Lindsey
How delicious does this cheese and sausage biscuit look?! It would be so easy to have these for Christmas morning, and just grab and go! From The Man Aprroved Diet
Chocolate Oreo Cheesecake Balls. Need I say more? From Clean & Scentsible
 I hope you liked all of these features! Check these ladies out, and remember that if you’re going to pin any of these projects, please pin from the original site.  

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  1. Thank you so much for featuring my Christmas tree! It was a treat linking up and I’m so glad you liked it!
    Marty@Marty’s Musings

  2. Smallgood says:

    Thanks for the feature Diana!

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