This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Home Depot & Rubbermaid, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #AllAccessOrganizers

Organization does not come easy to me. It’s not for lack of trying either. I can get organized but I just can’t seem to stay organized. I don’t know if it’s just how I’m wired or maybe it’s the little people who live in my house that appear to work against me but I struggle to keep any one space in my house organized. And that includes my bathroom.

We live in a small house {all 5 of us plus “the dog”} and we have one and a half bathrooms between us but our only full bath gets the most use. A few years back we renovated the entire room and included some new shelving behind the door but even with that addition, there just does not seem to be enough room for everything that belongs in the bathroom. I’ve added baskets, hooks, cubbies, you name it and we are still bursting at the seams.  When I’m actually caught up have done enough to not feel totally guilty for fooling around online all day with my laundry and all of our towels are folded, I just do not have the space to store them in the bathroom (or linen closet which has been totally taken over by my craft supplies! ha!). I’ve had them on the shelves but then those wind up being the catch all for everything. I’m sure you know the drill. Well, thanks to the cool Rubbermaid All Access Organizers that I picked up at Home Depot today, I found a new home for some extra towels as well as a place to store some necessities.

Let’s take a peak at what this insane little space next to my vanity looked like earlier today:

Unorganized Bathroom

So I had these 2 plastic boxes sitting next to the vanity in my bathroom. I used the bottom one to store some extra towels thus the few hand towels, wash cloths (and……er…. Dust Buster??)  in there. The top one as you can see has a bin inside it with my curling iron, hair dryer ……….and son’s basketball??? {Do you see what I mean about the little people working against me?? lol} And on top we have a bunch of stuff just tossed up there for good measure. Oh, and let’s not forget the Hello Kitty box stuffed next to the bins. Uh, this is totally tacky {and the pictures prove it} so something HAD to be done about this ridiculous, unorganized mess.

I picked up the new Rubbermaid All Access Organizers from Home Depot and got to work. They sell  2 sizes so I got one of each. The small one is actually pretty big.  Besides being easily stacked,  these have a clear door on the front that OPENS! There is a lid on the top too so that you can fill the organizer from the top as well but no more guessing what you put in there. You can see what’s inside right from the front and you can also get what you need without unstacking it. Love this whole concept. When I picked them up I had a hard time deciding what room to work on first. They truly would work in any room in your house from playroom to garage to laundry room……anywhere that you need some organized (and easy to access) storage.

Since one of my main problems in my bathroom was not having enough room to store all of our towels, I decided to use the large organizer for my towels. I found that rolling my towels instead of folding them allowed me to put more towels in my large bin.

Rubbermaid All Access Organizers

Rubbermaid All Access Organizer

I was able to roll a bunch of hand towels and washcloths as well and they fit neatly on the side next to my bath towels.

With the smaller bin I decided to store some things like toilet paper and bar soap because those were 2 more things we had sitting around in our bathroom that needed a good home other than just tossed on the shelves.

Rubbermaid All access bins

This little change made a huge difference in my bathroom. I plan on making some cute labels for the front but that will have to be a project for another day. Love how the bathroom looks now.

perruque//lace wig//tissage//perruque cheveux naturels

Next up: The rest of my messy house!

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  1. I love that you reorganized your bathroom with these bins! They look absolutely beautiful– don’t you just love that aqua color?

    1. I do! And I use that color a lot in my house so it was perfect that they came in in! 🙂

  2. After seeing your title, I got a chuckle and had to stop by. And, b/c I know what your bathroom looks like. Organize me! lol 😉

    1. It was bad right?? lol It’s so hard to keep clean when you have kids. Argh. lol

  3. Awesome!!! I have to say I am soooo loving mine. I have about 20 more I need to buy to work on every room in the house.

  4. Great job!! I was going to use my Rubbermaid containers in my craft closet but now that I see how useful they can be in the bathroom, hmmm I may reconsider! Great job!

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