Hi everyone! I’m Shanna from Restoration Redoux, and I am so excited that Diana is going to have me over once a month to share a fun craft or furniture makeover with you!

I run a furniture business from home where I upcycle vintage furniture with a funky twist. I’m a stay at home mom to three dogs, a cat, and a teenage daughter … so my life is crazy to say the least!

I have recently been on a mission to break my home out of the all beige prison it was in, and lately, I am adding in color with a brighter paint palette and fun accessories. Today’s project is all about color!

What you will need :

  • One inch dowel rod (mine came from Lowe’s)
  • One Styrofoam ball about the size of a small melon (mine was from Michael’s)
  • 1/2 a yard of material (any pattern you choose)
  • One small terra cotta pot
  • Spray paint (any color you choose)
  • A box of straight pins with a large head on them (Michael’s)
  • A plastic cup filled with sand
  • A yard of burlap fabric (any color — I found the pink at JoAnn’s)
  • One bottle of Mod Podge

The first thing that I did was cut my material so that it was the right length and height to completely cover the outside of my pot. I then covered the pot in a layer of Mod Podge, pressed the material tightly around it so that it is free of lumps, and went over it again with another coat of Mod Podge.

Next I filled my cup almost to the top with sand and set that inside of the pot.

I then spray painted my dowel rod (gold in my case) and let it dry. Once it was dry, I cut it to 15 inches tall. I then placed the rod all the way into the bottom of the cup (the sand will hold it in place).

Drill a hole into the bottom center of your ball so that the rod will be able to be inserted.

Next cut your burlap into 4 X 4 inch squares. Take a square and fold it diagonally (right top corner to left bottom corner).

Take the right bottom corner and fold it on top of the left bottom.

Then take the left top corner, and take it behind to the right bottom corner (the picture will probably help you understand better).

Then put the pin through it so it all stays together and stick it in the foam ball.

Just keep placing them right beside each other so that the pins and the ball don’t show through.

Once your ball is entirely covered, insert your dowel.

You will want something to cover the top of your pot so the plastic lip from the cup doesn’t show — to hide mine, I cut a circle out of a square of moss (from Michael’s). You could also use decorative rocks or fabric.

That’s it! Super easy!

To see my other craft projects please come and visit me at Restoration Redoux!

Thanks again to the lovely Diana for having me over!

See you next month!

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  1. Love, love, love this. What an interesting and new way to add a pop of color to a room! That fabric on the pot is way cool!! Thank you for sharing.

  2. I absolutely love this project! What a fun way to liven up any room during these “dog days ” of summer. You are very talented and I envy your vision. Thank you for brightening my day!

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