Hello lovely Creative Girls!  It’s Amy again from Delineate Your Dwelling.

office graphic - delineate your dwelling

I’m finally taking the plunge and going to start updating our office/guest room.  We’ve lived in our home for 7+ years and until now it’s been the dumping ground for all our “leftover” furniture.  I’ve decided, “Not any more!”  Come see some of my office + guest room inspiration and maybe you’ll be inspired, too!

passion shake - officepassion shake

dearest-someday- office

dearest someday photography

instagram wall - office

Nalle’s House

old brand new - office

old brand new

my paradise - office

my paradissi

If you are seeing an overall trend… you are quite observant.  WHITE.  White with pops of colors.  I’m in the baby steps of my update, as in I bought a few gallons of white paint.  There is a lot of existing furniture I have to work with and my hubs is not a fan of my touching it… so we will see where I end up.  For now, let the amazing inspiration keep flowing!

To follow my office + guest room updates, be sure to stop over to Delineate Your Dwelling or follow me on Instagram for behind the scene moments!

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