Last week I guest posted over at Alyssabeth’s during Creating Christmas week and I wanted to share this really easy Christmas project that will relatively cost you pennies. And it’s Pottery Barn inspired! Woo hoo!


Pinecones. Shimmery, sparkly, snow-covered pinecones. You can find them in your yard or even in your neighbor’s yard {or in my case Home Depot!} and with a little bit of paint, glue and glitter, you can transform those dreary brown pinecones into these frosted pretties.

Here’s what you need to complete this project:
  • Pinecones in various sizes
  • Spray Paint
  • Mod Podge
  • Glitter
The first thing I did was spray paint my pinecones with spray paint in an aqua blue color. I used Krylon brand and the finish was gloss. I gave them a good 2 –3 coats making sure I got in between all of the layers. It’s okay if they are not 100% covered and a little of the original brown color shows through.
After they dried (I left them in my garage to dry for a few days. This was very helpful in letting them air out so that they did not smell like spray paint) I took a foam paint brush and went over each pinecone with Mod Podge and then generously covered each one in white glitter. The brand of glitter that I used was Sulyn and I picked it up in Hobby Lobby. It’s super fine in texture (different than regular glitter) and it could easily pass for snow. It was perfect for this project. I shook off the excess glitter and let them dry.

That’s it. Piece of cake, right? I really love how they came out. You can do so many things with them. I used mine to fill a sleigh that I’ve had for years. You can use them as centerpieces for your Christmas table. Add some ribbon and a loop and you have some cool Christmas ornaments. Such an easy {and affordable} project that even your kids can help you with.  What child would not want to jump right in and use glue and glitter? I’m sure they’d love to “help”.

Silver Christmas Decor
{Just a little side note: everything in the above photo was super cheap and you can totally pull off this look on your mantle or any flat surface in your house. The votives are from the Dollar Tree and came in a pack of 2 for $1. The sparkly silver Christmas trees are from The Christmas Tree Shops – only a few dollars each. The tray under the votives is from Hobby Lobby and was only a few dollars (50% off Christmas decorations).}


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  1. So cute. Gosh if we lived closer I could give boxes of pinecones to you. :0)
    Have a wonderful week. Sincerely, Trish

  2. I love the blue pinecones with the white sleigh and silver accents…great vignette!

  3. Hi! I love this glittery pinecone idea! I have entered this post in a gallery page called “Ways to Deck the Halls with Glitter”, linking full credit back to your blog, of course. I would love for you to review it and please let me know that I have your approval. Otherwise I will take it off of the page immediately.
    Thanks, Tami @ Curb Alert!

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