Last week my mom came to visit and while we didn’t do any crafting together (or design that blog she’s been wanting to start now that I come to think of it – Sorry Mom) I managed to sew a blanket for the new baby. While it’s still too early to find out what we’re having and being that I have decided to wait to find out, I was itching to do something so I made an attempt to make a blanket for the baby out of some brown minky fabric and some flannel that I picked up at Joann’s a month or so ago. (holy run on sentence!)

Now, I’ve never made a quilt before and to be honest, I’m not even sure what I made constitutes as a quilt, I was really excited with how it came out. I used the same frayed edge technique that I used on the Frayed Burp Cloths I made featured HERE.

Here is what I did:

  • Used a 12×12 piece of scrapbook paper as my pattern and began to cut out squares from my flannel and my minky fabric (the blanket measured about 36 inches x 36 inches because I used 3 rows of 3 squares).
  • After coming up with the pattern I wanted, I took 2 squares and placed them wrong sides together, pinned and sewed. Adding the 3rd square to the first two, I did the same thing (wong sides together, pinned and sewed).
  • I now had one row of 3 squares. I repeated this 2 more times giving me a total of 3 rows of 3 squares. Follow so far? Hope this is not too confusing and sorry I don’t have progress pictures.
  • Taking one row of 3 and pinning it with wrong sides together to a second row of 3, I sewed them together. Did the same thing with the last row of 3 squares so now I had the front of my blanket done.
  • I layed the front of my blanket out on a piece of brown minky fabric (right sides together) pinned it down and then cut the minky. I also took a glass and used it to round the endges of the blanket.
  • I then sewed all the way around leaving about half of one side open for turning.
  • I trimmed my edges as close to the seam as possible and then turned the blanket right side out.
  • Pinned my opening closed and sewed all the way around. I actually did that twice because I like the look of the double stitching.
  • The last thing I did was snip the exposed edges on the front of the quilt so that they would fray nicely after I washed it.

I hope that was not too confusing. It actually was a really easy project to do. I can’t wait to see my little one wrapped all snuggly in it. Is it April yet????

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  1. I too am in the same boat. I decided not to find out either. We are due March 7th and I am going crazy! My husband was of the opinion that we should have found out but since he didn’t go to the ultrasound I had my way. Now he’s pulling the “I told you so.” Cute blanket! I love the brown minky!

  2. Thanks for sharing.. I love the brown minky. I need to get started on my stuff as well but we are finding out next Thursday so I can hold off. When are you due? My little one (my first!) is due April 1st!

  3. Congratulations on your first Raggy Quilt! It is so cute and your little one is going to be so warm and snuggly in all that minky.

    Back in the day, when I had my kids we tried all kinds of crazy “tests” to find out if it was a boy or girl. The Drano test, the pencil over your tummy test… well they were right half of the time. So my oldest daughter decided she wanted to be surprised with both of hers and it almost made me crazy. I had to wait until they were born to go shopping, but it kind of fun to be surprised.

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