If you recall, a while back I made these Sailor Pants for my darling niece Sienna’s first birthday.

Unfortunately, Sienna doesn’t live near us…which means I have yet to see her in them…doh! With temperatures warming up (ummm….try STEAMING HOT! Lol), I thought I would try my hand at these pants again.

Turning them into shorts, I added a cute contrasting fabric band at the bottom with side slit. This idea came from J Crew, whom I continually thank for inspirational ideas from their spam e-mails – lol.

I am thrilled with the result, and how could I not be – they are linen of course – and you know how I feel about linen (*sigh – love).

The best part is that my daughter loves them…the fact that they are pink may play some small role in that :).

For your free tutorial to make these Sailor Shorts, click HERE.

Thanks so much for stopping by everyone, and don’t forget to check me out over at Me Sew Crazy for more tutorials and inspirations!

Until next time, Happy Sewing 🙂

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  1. These are darling! Your ideas are always so cute and inspiring.

  2. These are just gorgeous! So unusual. I really need to brush up on my sewing skills to tackle projects like this.

  3. WONDERFUL! I love them. Jessica, tou’re a genious

  4. Those sailor shorts are DARLING! What a cute pattern. I’d like to make some for myself!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. BluBabesCreate says:

    things that make me wish I was five!

  7. I just saw these on TT&J… I LOVE them! So adorable. Now only if they were in adult sizes 😉

  8. NaughtyBaubles says:

    Ooohh!!! I absolutely love these shorts!!

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