Good morning friends!! Welcome to another New Friend Friday linky party! This week I’d like to know what the hightlight of your week was. If you could narrow it down, what was the best thing that happened to you this week?

This week was kind of weird for me. The girls were both sick on Sunday and then the last few days I’ve been kind of out of it, not feeling good. But, this morning (well Thursday morning) I sat down to do my bible study (When God’s People Pray) and I got a little surprise. I was thinking about a time in my life when I was at a really low point in my relationship with God and He was sooo merciful to me and He showed me that He truly loved me regardless of the mess I had gotten myself into. I was so taken back from that little reminder b/c here I am, years later, not really in a mess, more of just a rut in my walk with the Lord, and the message was the same: “He loves me”. Totally unexpected and so simple and that has got to be the highlight of my week. šŸ™‚

What was yours?? It could be anything. I want to hear about it, Friend. šŸ™‚

  • Add a link to your main blog
  • Visit the blog of the person whose name is above your name in the list and comment on their blog.
  • Visit as many blogs as you can and leave comments telling them you are visiting from New Friend Friday at The Girl Creative.
  • There is no obligation to follow everyone who follows you. Please just follow the blogs that are of interest to you. šŸ™‚

So, grab a button, post it somewhere on your blog and get ready to make some new friends!

Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. Woo hoo, I’m 2 and now I’m following you.

  2. Is so great that you do this….thank you!!!

  3. The highlight of my week has been an answered prayer! Giving Him all the glory! Happy (almost) Friday!

  4. I went for a four mile walk with a good friend today. Lots of time for fresh air, exercise and great conversation!

    Thanks for hosting, I just love this linky!

  5. Humm… the highlight of my week was my daughters 2nd birthday party. Fun times and good food with family and friends! I couldn’t have asked for a better day.
    Jenn šŸ™‚

  6. Highlight of my week…all the days my mama was here and helping me with the house projects…I miss her:)

  7. The highlight of my week…it has been a rough week…more sick kiddos, unfinished projects because “mommy, mommy, mommy hold me” wins over tile, grout, and Mod Podge. I will look on the bright side and say we are all on the mend…including the tile.

  8. The highlight of my week – being a vendor at a Baby expo Wednesday night. It wasn’t well attended, but still made a little money. Most importantly, I was in contact with many other vendors, and 2 local boutiques want to carry my products! Yay! Thank the Lord for his richest blessings!

  9. My sweet friend from Germany came to visit me here in Portugal. Sharing our lives with her here has been special!

  10. The highlight of my week was yesterday! I had my job evaluation, the best ever in my life. My police officer son dropped by to see me at the office in full uniform and an old co-worker called to tell me how I had ‘changed her life’. WOW! Awesome day. I am humbled that God is using me.

  11. I JUST had the highlight of my week!! I actually won a giveaway on Today’s Creative Blog and I won a blog makeover!! I couldn’t be more excited! (especially since the rest of my week has consisted of being really really sick! I am feeling better AND I’m a winner! whooo hoooo!)

  12. 1st time participator of New Friend Friday =)

    The Best part of the week would have to be yesterday afternoon when my husband, children, and I picked up the father of the oldest 3 from the airport and then headed off to TGIF’s and shared a meal, laughter, and jokes together.

    We had a great time!

    Wishing all a great weekend.

  13. The highlight of my week was a long lunch with a good friend. She & I have been unable to meet up for about a month and it felt amazing to sit down, catch up, chit chat and reconnect. There is simply nothing in this life that equals a great friend!

  14. My favorite thing about this week was my little girl sleeping her own room/crib for the first time!!!

  15. My week was wonderful! I am now a brand new auntie to a beautifully handsome baby boy! Oh there is nothing like that baby smell šŸ™‚ Thnaks you for hosting this wonderful “Party!” Who doesn’t like new friends? šŸ™‚

  16. TGIF! Thanks for doing this again! I met so many new people last week and it was a lot of fun to check out new blogs!

  17. Love finding new friends here! Thanks for hosting. The highlight of my week was my daughter’s birthday. It’s a lot of work but I was able to take the time to enjoy her special day (thanks to lots of before-hand planning). Happy Friday to you šŸ™‚

  18. Best thing for me will happen today. We are head to my brothers in NJ. Well the best thing will be AFTER the 5 hr drive. Squeezing my nephews and niece and they have 5 dachshund puppies that were born a few weeks ago.

  19. Love NFF..I find so many great blogs here!
    The highlight of my week was having lunch with my mom..we dont get to see eachother much

  20. Diana, I love how you do your New Friend Friday. I always meet much great people and find fun new blogs to follow. I think since your “rules” don’t require turning your blog into an ad for their sponsors or feeling obliged to follow blogs that are just there to boost numbers, it’s easier to connect with good blogs:)

  21. The highlight of my week was coming to the realization that my 19 month old is really a toddler and no longer a baby. Its like a switch flipped in my brain, and it just came to me out of nowhere. And he’s so much fun!

  22. The highlight of my week was seeing my girlie and her friend run and play in one of those water play areas at Downtown Disney while sitting on a bench chatting with my bff. This was a big thing for me because I can be a bit of a “don’t get wet, don’t get messy” kind of mom…but before we went I packed a change of clothes for her and decided I was going to let her have fun being a kid!

  23. Angie @ The Country Chic Cottage says:

    Yippee!! Thanks for hosting!!

    The highlight of my week? Gosh that is hard… I would say my 5 year old has his first tee ball game on Tuesday night. It was hilarious to watch him. He has a blast and we all did too!!

  24. My Highlight was my daughter’s spring concert yesterday! absolutely adorable to see preschoolers singing šŸ™‚

  25. Highlight of my week…My mom came in to town and my hubby took a couple days off work. Love it!

  26. The highlight of my week was that I was able to make a few creative things: a wreath, napkins and coasters.

    Hope that doesn’t sound selfish.

  27. ā™„ShyMamaā™„ says:

    Here today for to make new friend on friday happy weekend!

  28. Thanks for the follow and for hosting! This week I’m loving the sunshine and clearance racks at target!

  29. I think the highlight of my week was being able to take my kids to the park and finally get some beautiful, warm Spring weather to enjoy.

  30. Happy Friday!!

    What was the best thing that happened to me this week?

    It finally feels like spring and that means my attempts at gardening are in full force. Most of my garden plants/flowers are self sufficient as my green thumb isn’t very green. This last week I took time to prep the garden for summer! It was very therapeutic. Plus it was gorgeous weather!

  31. whimsy*couture*sewing*tutorials says:

    My highlight was that I got lots of sewing projects done which were laying around since I don’t know when;) That doesn’t happen a lot lately. Hope you all’s week will be GREAT! Stop by my blog to browse:)

  32. I had two wonderful highlights this week. 1. My husband was diagnosed with Cancer last year. I always hold my breath when he is tested every 4 months. Thurdays we found out the cancer has not returned! 2. Today is my 18 year wedding anniversary to the most wonderful man in the world.

  33. Hi Diana!

    I’m glad to hear that you had a good moment with God! I love his everlasting forgiveness and mercy, and I’m glad you experienced it!!

    This week, my husband (who is a doctoral music student) played in his LAST EVER student orchestra concert. This will signify the beginning of the end for him, because he’s been in graduate school(meaning post-high school) for 9, going on 10 years and is almost ready to start a new chapter in our lives. I’m SO proud of him and ready to move forward and start my own post-graduate studies!

    Have an Awesome Friday!!

  34. my highlight of a gloomy week was when my two year old grabbed my Bible and shoved it at me and said Bible, cuz we’ve not had devotions in a while.

  35. You party and Jessica’s from a Few of My Favorite Things are two of my favorite parties because the focus is broader and ‘friendlier.’

    I had just posted something an hour ago that fits this party perfectly – thanks for letting me share it!!

  36. GOD is soooooo GOOD! Hopefully the girls feel better! Hugs & Kisses:)

  37. The highlight of my week was not blowing the opportunity that God gave to me. He is so faithful!

  38. The highlight of my week was making it through class and clinicals at a local psych hospital…2 more weeks! yeah!

  39. Chantel and Michael Magistro says:

    Thanks for having this linky party! The highlight of my week was probably just the overall feeling of accomplishment. I started trying to make jewelry, and I finished some earrings that were alright looking, and a necklace that I’m very proud of! I’ve also been working on developing more of my talents, and that’s been the highlight I think. šŸ™‚

    Have a great weekend!

  40. What a blessing for you! One of my favorite saying is “I may not be where I want to be but Thank God I’m not where I used to be” I can only say that because HE is faithful to us EVEN when were aren’t faithful to HIM! that being said, Feeling His presence has to be my #1 highlight:) My second highlight was “a moment with Goose and God’s Creations” and my third highlight was winning “Sewing with Trudy”s Blogoversery Giveaway! Check out #2 and #3 on the blog. Highlights have been GREAT this week.:) Thanks for the linky parties. They are AWESOME! Happy Weekend!

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