Hey Friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would you believe I actually had time for a project this week but then didn’t have time to take pictures and blog about it? Oy!! Hopefully over the weekend I can do that. We are in the throes of preparing for a much needed vacation but at the same time our backyard is a mess from a project we started and have been working on trying to finish. Time just does not seem to be on our side these days. And we are pooped!

But, I don’t want to bore you with all of my everyday nonsense. Anybody ready for another Giveaway?? Fancy Pants Prints has this fabulous new product in their Etsy shop that they are sharing with us: Clothing Dividers. Check them out!

Great idea, right?? These Clothing Dividers come in a set of 5 and are available in any size. 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 12-18 months, 18-24 months, and toddler sizes. You pick your sizes and they will customize them for you.

Don’t really need to separate sizes anymore? Good news. They can also be customized to say t-shirts, blouses, pants, jeans, slacks, dresses, uniforms, hoodies, play shirts, dress clothes, long sleeve, short sleeve, days of the week.

Soooooo, one very lucky reader is going to receive one set of Clothing Dividers from Fancy Pants Prints. Here’s what you need to do to enter:

  • Visit the Fancy Pants Prints shop and take at their Clothing Dividers. Come back to this post and leave a comment telling me which set you’d like to win.
  • You do NOT need to have a blog to enter but you do need to leave a way for me to contact you if you win.
  • For extra entries you can follow The Girl Creative, follow the Fancy Pants Prints BLOG, or subscribe to either (or both) blogs. Be sure to leave a separate comment for each thing that you did.
  • US Residents only please.
  • Giveaway will end on Wednesday June 9 and winner will be notified.

Ready for our New Friend Friday blog hop?

  • Add a link to your main blog
  • Visit the blog of the person whose name is above and below your name in the list and comment on their blog.
  • Visit as many blogs as you can and leave comments telling them you are visiting from New Friend Friday at The Girl Creative.
  • There is no obligation to follow everyone who follows you. Please just follow the blogs that are of interest to you. 🙂
  • Family Friendly Blogs ONLY please. Explicit sites will be removed.

So, grab a button, post it somewhere on your blog and get ready to make some new friends!

We are happy to announce that we have joined forces with the Trendy Treehouse blog and their Follow Me Friday party. Please hop on over there to join in on another fun way to meet new bloggers and to make friends. 🙂


Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. The Mod Baby Blue is cute. What a fun idea!

    I love your blog, thanks for hosting!

  2. Thank you for having today!
    Best wishes for a fabulous weekend,

  3. Happy Friday! I remembered the time difference tonight. Have a fab weekend everyone!

  4. I’m following you from the Follow Me Friday party, thanks for hosting! 🙂

  5. oh my!..these are too stinkin cute!…thanks for the chance!…and thanks for hosting!…

  6. i like the trendy pink and brown for my friends baby shower.

  7. I’d go with the trendy Sage and Brown. So cute, hard choose.

  8. Okay you said to do a separate entry for each so I’m a follower at your site.

  9. Love these! I’d choose the owls and have them say dresses, short sleeve shirts…
    Great giveaway!

  10. thanks for hosting!! (i have 3 sets of organizers so if my # wins, please reselect) i LOVE those organizers!!!

  11. The clothing dividers are adorable. Pink and brown are my favorite.

    Happy weekend!!!

  12. Thanks for hosting! Love your blog and am now following you!

  13. I would love to win the Chic Blue dividers but the ones that say Hoodie, Pants etc!

  14. I like the vintage rose ones. I would use them to sort different types of clothes like dresses, shirts, etc. Thanks!

  15. Great blog! I will now have fun following your blog… keep up the great blogging and I look forward to reading more of your work.
    All the best,

  16. I am a follower! Have a great weekend!! Blessings!

  17. I would love to have the sage and brown dividers, with the pants, shirt..etc. Perfect for a boy growing so fast these days. LOL

  18. Amy Walker says:

    Those dividers are a great idea and REALLY cute!! Thanks for the Linky!

  19. I am a follower of Girl Creative! Love your blog always such great ideas.

  20. Sad, the link above mine doesn’t work! I tried though, I promise!

  21. I like the vintage rose or the rockin pink or the yellow and gray.

  22. Ooh I love these clothing dividers! These would be just perfect for my new nephew Lukas. The trendy sage & brown would go beautifully in his room!

  23. I would get the Trendy Blue & Brown with sizes on them

    tangysweettart50 @ aol . com

  24. Those are really cute dividers!!!

    And I just joined in on the New Friend Friday. I am excited!!

  25. I just joined the New Friend Friday and am just getting started on it. Looks like fun! Thanks, I was already a follower.

  26. I really like the sage and brown closet dividers.

    lestsr at gmail dot com

  27. 都都成人站哈雷聊天室919sex色片直播網ao3美女圖sexsun comaaaaa7777788卡提諾成人日本a片-aa片免費看av999免費影片250av女優免費影片日本影片自拍日本影片區日本巨乳a片日本屎尿片日本少女寫真集dvd專賣店日本學生偷情影片日本學生寫真集日本寫真美女 dvd日本寫真集 rain日本寫真集女星美女 視訊美女 視訊免費線上成人影片戀愛ing聊天室免費聊天firework嘿咻kiss168cu成人bt情色 網援交友留言聊天室找一夜666成人無碼免費girl5320視訊做愛色美媚歐美模特兒寫真天空交友八國聯軍成人曼雪兒成人文學小說曼雪兒成人文學曼雪兒情色文學成人小說曼雪兒成人曼雪兒成人免費小說

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