TGIF ya’ll!!! No idea where that came from. The ya’ll part, not the TGIF part because I knooooooowwww where that came from! It’s been a long week!

Welcome to New Friend Friday! Before we get started with the linky party, let’s chit chat. Every week I try to come up with a question to ask everyone so that we can all get to know each other better. This week, let’s talk TV. I have a lot of “must see” shows and I’m kind of annoying to be around at the end of my favorite shows because I just HAVE to see scenes for the upcoming week. My poor husband. lol He puts up with my muttering “scenes”. “Scenes“. Scenes” after every show. Annoying, right? lol

Anyhow, my 2 absolute f.a.v.o.r.i.t.e shows are Chuck and Flash Forward. Chuck is the perfect mixture of comedy, romance and action. And Flash Forward…….well, I kind of have no words. It’s just awesome!

What is your favorite TV show? Leave it in the comments. šŸ™‚

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Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. I have a lot of favorites – CSI’s Criminal Minds, Dancing with the Stars, The Middle, Modern Family, my favorite soap is Gen Hospital

  2. Thanks for hosting! I’m new to this – sounds great. šŸ™‚ As for shows… I like TLC and any Food network shows. But, to be honest, I don’t watch much TV, and when I do… it’s sports. Why? Because my husband has the remote. Can anyone else relate???

  3. My favorites right now are Food Revolution (I am a FCS teacher and I am obsessed with having my student do something with this in my class!!) and Parenthood (the most real interpretation I have seen)!!

  4. My favorite show is Trueblood!

  5. Saw that you are from Long Island… We lived in Jersey (Joizee) for a year (in 2008). I LOVED it up there. I’m a Texas girl, but getting to live on the Beach, er I mean Shore and go to NY all the time – best experience of my life. I lived right on the shore in a town called Long Branch. We were about an hour by train to the city and would go often. I really love Long Island. Sigh. I miss the East Coast.

  6. This is totally me, I always tell Hubby to not miss the previews! Right now my favorite shows are Mercy (its the nursing) and Hubby and I have a show we watch together-I find it amusing, its one of his favorites. Its called Top Gear on the BBC-its a car show, but its a funny car show, I even enjoy it.

  7. I’m not watching much TV at all, but I do like Modern Family, it cracks me up!


    I’m a sucker (ha!) for vampires too, so True Blood and The Vampire Diaries are favorites as well!

  9. I MUST agree with you on the Flash Forward!!! It’s addicting! We record it every week and as soon as the little one goes to bed we pop some popcorn and start the show šŸ™‚ We talk about it and look forward to it all week!! It is an amazing show that keeps you on your toes and nothing is ever as it seems!! If you haven’t seen it I would totally recommended watching the episodes online and catching up (you definitely cannot miss an episode)!

  10. My husband and I are both big fans of LOST…but he doesn’t share my obsession with Days of Our Lives šŸ™‚

  11. Ok…right now I’m hooked on Castle, LOST and Glee. Which is really hard right now because LOST and Glee come on at the same time and we don’t have DVR or any fancy recording stuff…and only one TV. Thankfully those two shows are online as well! šŸ™‚ Cool concept for a post…I’m a new follower!

  12. Ok my favorite TV show of all time “Friends”. My husband bought me the box set of all 10 seasons. I watch them while I craft and still laugh at the same jokes I’ve heard 10 times.

    Currently, I like the Office. It took me a while to get into it, but now I love it.

  13. My 2 faves are Grey’s Anatomy and NCIS. Hard to decide which I like more. Sometimes it just depends on the day!

  14. Kelli @ RTSM says:

    I love Chuck! But I think my two favorites would have to be LOST and Project Runway!

  15. I don’t watch TV that much, but on Thursday nights, I do. My favorite TV show has to be The Housewives..whether it be Atlanta,NYC,OC or New Jersey. Not sure how I got started on these shows..but I admit..I’m addicted to them. For that hour,the TV is mine.

  16. I have been seriously into “LOST” since it started, but this season is a bit disappointing-and it’s the last season!

  17. My goodness this is hard to pick just one! Oh man. …..okay, I can’t pick just one – I’ll list a few:

    Burn Notice

  18. My favorite shows are Lost, Modern Family, Rescue Me, Dancing with the Stars and Survivor.

    Have a great weekend!

  19. Hmm a favorite…well I do admit to watching Top Model… and The Biggest Loser. For some reason, I’m always eating dinner when I watch that show lol!

  20. I’m a huge Chuck fan! Love that show šŸ™‚

  21. I’m pretty much a TV whore…and I am totally ok with it. I LOVE so many it is hard to choose…I love the ones that have been on forever…Law and Orders, CSI (Las Vegas only)…then some newer ones…Greys, Brothers and Sisters…but I LOVE LOVE LOVE…Modern Family, Glee, How I Met your mother…oh I could go on…I won’t…I need to go watch the finale of Project Runway:)

  22. My favorite shows are Law and Order, NCIS, Project Runway. Top Chef, and (can’t believe I am admitting this) The Real Housewives of … (any of them).

  23. How fun is this! Such a great idea. I’m with Jan – I love LOST! Such a good show and I’m loving how everything is getting revealed.

  24. Thanks so much for hosting us again this week. I, like you, think Flash Forward absolutely ROCKS! Lost infuriates me with what a convoluted mess it is, but I have to say that I’m hooked on it, too. šŸ™‚

  25. Thanks for hosting! I have so many favorites but with a 9 month old I don’t get to watch all that many…Among my must watch list, Modern Family and the Middle. Also a big fan of Castle and of course there’s reality tv like the Real Housewives! Happy Friday!

  26. Happy Friday…Project Runway…the world stops for it.

  27. Thanks for hosting! I love TV! I’ve watched Chuck a few times, my hubby loves it! My favorite show is White Collar on USA Network. But I do watch about five or six shows regularly. And I love the ending where they show the scenes for next time. I get really sad if I miss them!

  28. I don’t watch much TV…but I do like Criminal Minds, Project Runway and hockey Stanley Cup finals.

    Thanks for hosting this ~ it’s fun to meet new friends!

  29. i love modern family. i think it is the best show on tv currently. my favorite show of all time is my so called life.
    oh jordan catalano… so brooding, so beautiful.

  30. I am such a sucker for my fav. TV shows too. Kind of pathetic sometimes. 24 is probably my #1, Lost of course, and true confessions I have to watch American Idol every week. Sad but true!!

  31. Desperate Housewives & Modern Family…addicted! šŸ™‚

  32. My favorite is Castle, hands down! I followed the main character over from his previous show, Firefly. I just love it šŸ™‚

  33. I have numerous shows that I have to watch!

    Lost, since I’ve watched it from the beginning, even though it’s been slightly disappointing.

    Trueblood – gotta love vampires and other mythical creatures.

    Dexter – He makes you like his murderous ways.

    Weeds – Not that I’m into drugs, it just takes you on a CRAZY family adventure and it’s very humerous.

    United States of Tara – She makes you almost wish you had split personalities. TO me, it seems like fun in a weird sort of way.

    There’s more, but I’ll stop for now. =)

    Following you, thanks for hosting!

    The Freebie Addiction

  34. I love this idea and when I get home from work will get onto joining right away UK Mum here

  35. gillcrist says:

    I love CSI,NCIS,Law & Order,Fringe and watch online.Watch TV Shows Online is the prior online is the best alternative for lots of excitement and time saving. This post having really wonderful information, thanks for sharing with all.

  36. Oh my word, my DH and I are huge Flash Forward fans, too! And it just keeps getting better and better! Like last week when Janice told Simon she was a double agent…was she lying or telling the truth? Ahhhh the suspense! haha Besides that, I like Private Practice and Grey’s. Happy weekend!

  37. Oh, the only thing I don’t like about FF is how violent it is sometimes. I make DH watch the scary parts first since we watch it online and then he tells me if I’ll want to see it or not! lol

  38. Right now it has to be True Blood but I really like The Tudors. I love your blog by the way!! Today is my first visit and I’m hooked. I’ll be back!

  39. Oh, hands down my favorite show is the office! Can’t think of anything funnier on TV right now šŸ™‚

  40. My favorite show is a BBC show that has been in production since the late 50’s, and probably will be the weirdest answer you’ll get.
    Our family loves DR.WHO, especially the last 8 years or so.
    The storyline is amazingly creative, the script is family-friendly and the aliens are wonderful šŸ˜‰
    Thank you so much for hosting the party today!
    How fun!
    Have a blessed day!

  41. Happy Friday! I am an HGTV and Food Network Junkie! If it’s on those networks that’s what I am watching!

  42. Yay! It’s Friday! This isn’t a hard question for me… it’s definitely Glee!! I LOVE it!!

  43. LOST!!! Flash Forward, Food Revolution, and True Blood (can’t wait for May) and Madmen.. How do I get any painting done??? LOL

    Looking forward to making new friends this week!

  44. Mama Riser says:

    I’m afraid to admit that I LOVE The Bachelor/The Bachelorette! Cannot wait for the latter to start in May.

  45. Hello sweet Diana – I am a new follower and it’s my first time linking up to your fun party! Thank you for hosting it. I look forward to getting to know some new friends!

    I have a few fave shows during the week. Dancing with the Stars, Lost, American Idol, Who Do You Think You Are, any cooking show on Food Network.


  46. Picking just two shows is SO hard! I’m going to have to go with LOST (so addictive) and House.

  47. I don’t really watch TV all that much anymore. I watched Flash Forward for awhile and was really into it but then missed a couple of episodes and well, sort of forgot about it. I sort of prefer to just get movies on Netflix. Lame, right? I like to watch episodes of stuff on so maybe I can catch up on Flash Forward.


  48. You and my husband have the same taste in TV shows!!! I’m more of a Lost & House kinda gal :).

    Happy Friday! I’m already a following friend. I’d love for you to drop by my blog sometime & return the favor, if you haven’t already. We’re also hosting a great GIVEAWAY for a Pampered Chef Trifle Bowl – ends Sat (4/24) and doesn’t have many entries – so your odds are good :). Please, stop by and enter to win – a quick link to it can be found in my top right sidebar! Hope you’re looking forward to a great weekend!

  49. Chantel and Michael Magistro says:

    My husband and I don’t get TV, we have a television for movies but that’s it. We decided we didn’t want anything more. Except Netflix. We love netflix! and we’ll watch tv episodes on there -we just didn’t want to be the people who turn on the tv and watch whatever is on. We’re getting into Lost, and Arrested Development -Netflix has those on demand. Netflix just got the first season of 24 on demand, so we’ll probably watch that too!

    Thanks for hosting this party!

  50. We don’t have cable, but I purchase all the seasons of Big Bang Theory and watch them over and over and over. I LOVE it. The show makes me laugh so much.

  51. Right now i’ve been watching Top Chef, Project Runway, Modern Family, Biggest Loser, Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution and a really random one that the hubby got me into is Dexter. Thanks for hosting this blog hop!

  52. I have to echo all the people who don’t actually watch much television. Hubby records White Collar and Legend of the Seeker for me and otherwise I watch what I get through Netflix – I don’t like just watching television…I hate ads and I hate how hubby surfs during general watching…so if I am not watching something he recorded or something from Netflix, I craft, work on photos, or read!!

  53. Lately, I’ve totally been digging Modern Family and Cougar Town!
    And another one…Vampire Diaries…I know it sounds silly but super good!!! I’m a sucker for vamps now!!

  54. Looks like I joined too late this week. It’s my first time, and since I just discovered it this morning, I decided to play. I’ll do better next week šŸ˜‰

    My favorite shows:
    Hubs and I both LOVE Fringe, 24, House & American Idol
    I also like Grey’s Anatomy & Private Practice (Hubs likes Grey’s too, but doesn’t care for PP)

  55. Currently, I would have to say it’s One Tree Hill just because I love watching over. A show more current would probably be…. (this is hard).. (I’m going with) Glee.

  56. Thanks for hosting this! I have found some really cool blogs and even cooler people!
    My name is Lacy and I am a TV addict. I can’t quit Tivo-ing everything! Besides design, TV is my second hobby!

  57. I’ve embraced the fact that I like t.v.
    ONE of my must sees is Desperate Housewives!

  58. This is a hard one, I like watching HGTV,Rachel Ray,24 and I gues it would be Oprah!

  59. I only watch two shows, Glee and Chuck! I LOVE both of these! Since you like Chuck, I’m going to have to check out your other favorite, Flash Forward.

    Have a great weekend!

  60. I’m your newest follower! Even added you to my blog roll!!!

    If you get a chance, please follow me back!
    Great blog!! You are very creative!

    Take care.

  61. just found you through domestic princess — looking fwd to following your journey! šŸ™‚

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