Welcome to the first edition of New Friend Friday! This is going to be a great way to make new blog friends, expand your readership and gain followers.

  • Add a link to your main blog
  • Leave a comment on the blog above your name in the list.
  • Visit as many blogs as you can and leave comments and follow if you like.

So, grab a button, post it somewhere on your blog and get ready to make some new friends! Be sure to tell people that you are visiting from New Friend Friday at TGC.

Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. simplydesigning.blogspot.com says:

    FABULOUS idea! I love it!

  2. I too am loving the new look! Thanks again for doing the new friend Friday!

  3. Gail @ Black Copper DIY says:

    What a great idea! I hate to admit this…perhaps it’s just too early in the morning…I don’t understand rule #2. Leave a comment where? Above my name? It’s not making sense…I need coffee…

  4. Gail @ Black Copper DIY says:

    Oops! I forgot to mention that I love the new banner!

    Off to get that coffee now. And then back to check out blogs and make new friends!

  5. Gail, you would go to their blog (the person on the list before yours) by clicking the link and leave a comment on their most recent post. šŸ™‚ Hope that helps!

    Thanks everyone for all the compliments on the new look. I did it to help make today special. I’m loving it too. šŸ™‚

  6. Love the idea and the opportunity…this is fun. Plan to meet some new friends!

  7. Great idea! I hope to find some new blogs this weekend from your list!

  8. This is the first time I have tried to put a button on my blog and I can’t get it to show up. Where do I go to post it so that it will show up on my blog? Thanks for your help.

  9. Ocean, add a gadget and choose HTML. Enter the code in there and save. That should do it. šŸ™‚

  10. Sorry i put the wrong link first. The second about the Chateau des fleurs is good. That’s a great idea. I am always looking for friends!!

  11. gossip mama says:

    My first time here, great friday meme. I put the badge in my blog.

  12. Great idea. I added my link. I just found your blog from Amy at Girlfriends Get Real. Glad I found your fun blog.

  13. great idea!! I love making new blog friends!! šŸ™‚

  14. I LOVE THIS! I love that it isn’t like Friday Follow where people follow because it is the rule. I like that you can find blogs that you connect with and make the choice! Glad I stumbled upon you today!

  15. Thank you for host New Friend Friday! What a wonderful opportunity to meet new friends! I was going to wait until next week to link up….but, if I take part today, I’d be a chatter member….right? LOL

    I am now a follower and will visit as many “friends” as possible over the weekend!


  16. What a great idea! I am trying to post on WhimsiKel’s (#120, she’s above me) and I can’t post. I hope she doesn’t think I’m ignoring her, but I think she’s having some technical difficulties and I can’t figure out how to contact her. Please help if you can!

  17. Follow your lovely blog and a new blogger myself. Thank you for this party!

  18. Just found you, such another cool idea to meet and greet and get to know such wonderful people. Thank you.
    Have a great weekend, God bless!!!
    Oh by the way, I’m a following you… :o)

  19. What if I want to post the button in the actual post and not just on my blog? I can’t seem to figure that out. Sorry for so many annoying questions!

  20. Ocean, no worries about all the questions. šŸ™‚ When you are writing your post, click on the “edit html” tab (you will automatically be on the “compose” tab when you start a new post) and paste the button code in there. When you go back to “compose” you’ll see the image. šŸ™‚

  21. Hey Diana,
    This is a great idea! I’ve already found at least four new Friday Friends! I also like the new look! Fun stuff!


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