So, Mr. GC and I have been working on a budget and with that comes creating menu’s for 2 weeks so that I only have to go food shopping 2x a month. Usually this is not too hard for me because I’m a creature of habit and I make the same meals. Over. And over. And over again. Well, in an effort to try and change things up a bit, I’ve created a dinner menu for 2 weeks. Then I created a shopping list to make sure I get all the necessary ingredients and to also make sure that I stick to my list.

Included on my menu is 2 new recipes that I’ll be trying out so I’m going to share my menu with you and then share links to the new recipes I’ll be trying out.

I would also love (and welcome) any feedback regarding what your family favorites are.

Mr. GC gets paid every other Wednesday so my menus will run from Wednesday to Wednesday (and Wednesday is always pizza night because we have church and need a quick and easy meal).

Wednesday – Pizza
Thursday – Beef Stroganoff in the slow cooker (recipe)
Friday – Burgers, Hot Dogs and Chips
Saturday – Chicken Cutlets, Mixed Vegetables and Scalloped Potatoes
Sunday – Sandwiches
Monday – Spaghetti, Meatballs and Dinner Rolls
Tuesday – Chicken and Red Potatoes, Vegetables
Wednesday – Pizza
Thursday – Tacos
Friday – Ranch Beef and Noodle Skillet (recipe)
Saturday – Chicken Francaise, Rice and Vegetables (recipe)
Sunday – Beef Brisket (recipe)
I’m SO excited about making this!
Monday – HELP!!! I don’t know!
Tuesday – Same as above – what should I make?????
OOOh, by the way………….I have some really exciting news for you! In a few weeks The Girl Creative will be co-hosting our first ever………..

This is going to be the blog hop of all blog hops. 5 days of themed linky parties. And when I say co-hosting, I mean we will have the likes of some wonderfully, talented bloggers teaming up with us. I’m just waiting on confirmation from a few more bloggers and then I will announce the dates and the co-hosts. šŸ™‚

We are also looking for some businesses to sponsor giveaways during parade week. If you have an Etsy store, website or any other business that you think would be a good fit for this blog and want to sponsor a giveaway during parade week, please send me an email. šŸ™‚

Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. Honey-mustard chicken with rice and a veggie. For the chicken, just dice an onion (optional) and brown in olive oil. Add as many chicken breasts as you need to the pan and season with pepper to taste. Then pour over 1/2 cup honey and a 1/4 cup regular mustard. Saute for about 15 minutes or until chicken breasts are done (flip a couple times). You can cook the rice while you’re making the chicken and they finish in about the same time. Microwave the veggies. Delish! šŸ™‚

  2. I make a great chicken cutlet with feta cheese and pesto in the middle. Basically that’s all it is, mix the feta and pesto, spread in the middle, top with a little Panko, bake at 350 degrees for ~40 minutes. Just baste it once or twice while cooking, soooo yummy! We had it tonight as leftovers with a Greek salad and it was so good.

  3. Check out my recipe blog for a bunch of awesome recipes!! Not trying to toot my own horn or anything, most recipes were inspired by the talents of other bloggers. I try to post new ones 4 – 5 times a week if possible!

    The blog hop sound interesting, the only thing I don’t like about some blog hops is that they require you to follow. That’s why I like your hop on Friday. It’s just about finding people, not about how many followers you can get in one day. I want someone to follow my blog if they are actually going to READ it. Thanks!!!

  4. That’s so funny because I do a 2 week menu that goes from Wednesday to Wednesday for the same reason you do! It save so much money though! Plus it’s always nice to know what you’re having for dinner before 5:00 rolls around šŸ™‚

  5. Make bbq syle spare ribs with fries and coleslaw…so easy, I have a great yummy recipe if you want it…email me at
    stew beef ala slow cooker (also goes for roast)
    I also have this recipe for a chicken tortilla bake that is just scrumptious and the kiddies would love…you can even use leftpver cheicken for it. If interested let me know!!! (BTW…that last one sneaks in veggies!)

  6. I actually just recently started keeping track of my “what’s for dinner” because I would forget that I bought ingredients for a recipe and they would go bad. So from the 12th to 19th we had/ are having: *Chicken cordon bleu, 13th went out, pot pies, *crunchy onion chicken, hamburger helper, *nacho chicken casserole, steak (there was a sale), *green bean casserole. The ones with the stars can be found on

  7. Some of our family favorites (easy) are: Spaghetti Pie, Make your own sub sandwich night, BLTs, Baked Potato Bar, Skillet Enchiladas, Marinated/Grilled Pork Chops, Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Bruschetta Chicken Bake. If you’re interested in any of these recipes, please email me.

  8. I need help w/ this!~ I am eating like crap and I can’t seem to get organized. I have trouble b/c something require fresh produce, so I feel like I am in the store every day!

    Do you use a cookbook or you know the recipes so well? I have some good ‘light’ cookbooks, but I feel like the recipes are pretty elaborate w/ these intricate ingredients. Any good, simple recipes for some healthy light meals?

    I’m going to the nutritionist next week, so we’ll see what he says. I sent James to work w/ all the junk food in the house! lol

  9. Hi Diana!

    My go-to crock pot recipe came from my mom. It’s called Vita’s Chicken, but I don’t know who Vita is!

    Put all of this into a crockpot:

    Frozen chicken breasts (however many you’ll need)
    Bag of frozen corn
    Jar of salsa
    Can of crushed tomatos
    Can of black beans
    Packet of taco seasoning

    Turn the crock pot on low and come back in 6 – 8 hours. We usually serve it over rice or noodles, topped with cheese and sour cream.

    Seriously – I know it looks like it wouldn’t make a good dinner, but it’s AMAZING!


  10. Sounds like some in the near future šŸ˜‰
    We always do so much better when I plan my meals ahead of time. And even better when I do make ahead meals.

  11. Fajitas are always good- my kids like them but you could always make up quesadillas with the meat and cheese if your kids don’t. Also if you make enough meat then you could do a salad another night with the leftovers. I also love to do teriyaki london broils. Again I use a large cut so that we can make leftovers either salad or large ‘manly’ sandwiched on hoagie rolls with cheese and sauteed onions.

  12. You’re so organized, I love it! I haven’t planned meals that far out in a couple of years! I feel inspired! xo

  13. whimsy*couture*sewing*tutorials says:

    I am a BIG slow cooker (crock pot) cook! Often i don’t have time to cook in the evening ’cause we’re busy with the kids so starting my beloved POT in the morning and let it cook all day! Only one pot to wash and a wonderfully tender and juicy dinner every time!
    My fave chicken recipe is:
    -2 to 3 pounds of chicken (any kind/pieces)
    -3/4 bottle of sodium reduced bbq sauce
    Cook 8 hours!

  14. brown paper packages says:

    Hey, the parade sounds fun! Let me know if I can help–I’d love to!

  15. I always try to do menu planning and then something happens and we get caught out running errands and eat out. Then everything seems to get messed up. Especially if it happens more than once!! I am going to start participating in a campaign called Kids Cook Monday which encourages cooking with your kids healthy meals. At least once a week šŸ™‚
    Looking forward to the blog hop, sounds fun!!!

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