Hi friends! Welcome to the first, of hopefully many, Feature Yourself Fridays where our sponsors get a chance to stand in the spotlight and guest post at The Girl Creative. This is their time to tell you everything they think you need to know about their business/blog. 🙂 If you are a current sponsor of TGC, please submit your write up at your leisure and I will get you scheduled. 🙂


Feature Yourself Friday :: Beneath the Rowan Tree

At the end of the long yard, beside the small Northern Ontario lake, stands a rowan tree.
Beneath this tree with its many changes from season to season~ from bud to leaf, to berry and
back again~ inspiration grows.
Here, a mother tenderly held her infant and watched her grow~ pudgy legs and feet finding
footing in the soft grass, running and falling, stretching up like the tree until they can twirl and
somersault and dive into the lake.
Stories woven with silk and wool, played out with wood and wonder.
Made by hand.
All of this is what Beneath the Rowan Tree is all about.

Beneath the Rowan Tree began in 2007 and since that time has grown to include a variety of
natural, handmade toys made in the Waldorf tradition of simplicity and child lead play.  BTRT is
currently the #5 top toy seller on Etsy (#1 in Canada) (source: craftcount.com) and we have dyed (in
the kitchen sink)
over 10,000 pieces of silk for creative and imaginative play for families around
the world.  All of the toys and accessories in the shop are made with ethically sourced natural
materials~ wood, silk and wool. (and we sell super twirly twirl skirts, too!)
Lori, the artisan, works full time as a minister in the United Church of Canada, as well handling
all of the art and business for BTRT.  She is supported by her partner, Andy (who owns and operates a local small business) and their daughter, Rowan (6).  They are in the process of adopting a sibling group and  anticipating their growing and changing family!
The shop for Beneath the Rowan Tree is only one aspect of its life.  Its heart lies in the blog
where the stated vision is: “Childhood is a time of wonder. At BTRT we strive to create natural,
safe, handmade products and share resources which encourage families to nurture their children
& their common family life with gentleness and respect. Childhood is holy ground.
Our goal is to encourage our kids to be wonder full people
The BTRT blog is a growing community of guest bloggers, gentle parenting resources, free
tutorials for natural toys and family items and more. There is a weekly Playdate link party and
lots of ideas for inspiring imagination and wonder for the little (and big) people in your life.
Join in the fun and play along:

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