This post was sponsored by Weight Watchers International, Inc. as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.

My family loves to eat! In fact I could even say that our lives sometimes revolve around food. I’ve lost track of how many times a day I hear the questions, “what’s for _______?” (fill in the blank with breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, dessert, etc.)  Overall our eating habits aren’t terrible but we could definitely stand to make some changes and improvements.  I decided to start with a little snack overhaul. Continue reading below to see our Easy Tips for Making Better Snack Choices and why I choose Weight Watchers as my eating plan of choice.

Easy Tips for Making Better Snack Choices | Weight Watchers Freestyle | Zero Point Snacks

I didn’t want to make a bunch of huge changes at once so I started small. We all love popcorn so offering Jolly Time® Healthy Pop 100’s popcorn in exchange for some of the snacks we usually eat (i.e. chips, crackers, cookies, etc.) was an easy change to make. All I had to do was buy it, put the box on the kitchen counter and let nature take it’s course. And by nature I mean let the kids come home from school and start scrounging for a snack. Before I could even offer it to them the smell of popcorn filled the air. Not only does it taste delicious but the 100 calorie singles packaging is perfect for a house full of competitive kids. No more fighting over who got more. They each can have their own bag and call it even. Whew!

Single Serving Popcorn | Low Point Weight Watchers Snacks

Weight Watchers

Let’s talk dessert, shall we? We don’t have dessert every night, much to my children’s dismay, but when they see that I’ve stocked the freezer with Weight Watchers® Giant Chocolate Fudge Ice Cream Bars they can be pretty persistent. I mean, I really  have no reason to say no especially since they are low in calories (under 100) and I don’t have to worry about portion control. One and done with this treat and it’s perfect. In fact I love them too! We finally had some nice weather and I took full advantage by enjoying one outside.

Weight Watchers Low Point Desserts | #WWFreestyle

When it comes to myself and food, we have a pretty rocky relationship. I’m forever trying to lose weight and make good choices. Sometimes I’m in the mood, sometimes I’m not. Thankfully though, when I AM in the mood, I always have Weight Watchers® to turn to. I’ve tried many eating plans over the years and when it’s all said and done, Weight Watchers wins every.single.time. Late in 2017 they introduced the new Freestyle™ program with zero Points® foods and Weight Watchers products that made choosing what you eat easier. You have smart options and flexibility to enjoy more delicious recipes and foods to help you reach your goals.

This past week I took a trip to my local Walmart to pick up a few items for the house and to restock up on a few of my Weight Watchers endorsed favorite foods.

I love that Walmart has a novelty ice cream sign. It makes finding these delicious Weight Watchers desserts super easy.

This is what makes these Weight Watchers Novelties Ice Cream an appealing choice for me and my family:

  • Individually wrapped items offer portion control (yes, please!)
  • Lower SmartPoints® value per serving than regular ice cream and other “frozen novelties”
  • Made from low-fat milk
  • Snack sizes offer tasty treats, all under 100 calories (woot! woot!)
  • Different varieties: bars and cones
  • 2-4 SmartPoints® value per serving (yesssss!)

I also snagged some Jolly Time Popcorn while on my travels. These were located in the aisle with the rest of the popcorn brands. This was the perfect choice for us since we love the taste of butter flavor popcorn. We were able to have this without all the guilt.

Jolly Time® Healthy Pop® Popcorn endorsed by Weight Watchers

  • Offer 100 calorie packs for portion control
  • Non-GMO and gluten free (so important!)
  • The only popcorn that is endorsed by Weight Watchers
  • 3 SmartPoints® value per serving (low point snacks are a total must have!)

As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, Weight Watchers has been a huge part of my life. I love the flexibility of the plan. I love having so many smart options to assist with my weight loss journey. I love that you don’t have to cut out any of your favorite foods but you’re given plenty of options to make this plan fit your lifestyle. I love it that I can pick up so many of the Weight Watchers endorsed products right at my local Walmart, where I shop anyway. It’s a fantastic plan that I recommend over and over again to anyone who needs a flexible eating plan to fit into any lifestyle.

Before you go, here are 2 tips to making better snack choices:

  • Portion Control – If you can choose something in a single serve package, do it. This will help you avoid overeating. Plus they are easy to take with you on the go.
  • Always be prepared – If you’re a snacker, make sure there are always smart options at home, in your bag or at work.

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