This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Lean Cuisine, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #HonestlyGood #ad

For the month of October I committed to blogging for all 31 days sharing motivational weight loss printables to help myself (and hopefully others) stay on track with eating healthy and making wise choices. This was a last minute thing (the 31 days of printables, not the eating healthy part because I’m FOREVER trying to eat healthy and lose weight) and I love how it ties into this campaign.

Lean Cuisine has launched a new collection of meals called Honestly Good. I had the opportunity to try 2 of the 6 choices they have available (I have more in my freezer for this week that I will try out as well) and I was pleasantly surprised at how filling they were. The portion sizes were good and they looked very appetizing.

Lean Cuisine Honestly Good

This right here is the Lemongrass Salmon. See how much vegetables you get? The portion size was perfect and the salmon was yummy! If I’m being honest, I didn’t care too much for the sauce (it comes on the side so you do not have to use it). I’m a very plain, picky eater. I don’t even use ketchup on my fries…..or my eggs. Never use hot sauce or mayo……you get what I mean.  So the sauce was a bit too strong for me but I’m sure there will be pa-lenty of people who love it!

Lean Cuisine Lemongrass Salmon


Lemongrass Salmon from Lean Cuisine

There are six different varieties to choose from all full of 100% all natural, wholesome ingredients with sauce you can add on yourself:

Honey Citrus Chicken {I had this one also – it was very good!}

Lemongrass Salmon

Pineapple Black Pepper Beef {Have that in my freezer}

Plum Ginger Grain-Crusted Fish {Yup, that one too!}

Pomegranate Chicken

Roasted Red Pepper Chicken

With so many tasty selections there really shouldn’t be any excuse for not making good choices with your eating. And the Lean Cuisine Honestly Good meals are WAY cheaper than any meal you get at a fast food restaurant. I found them at Target for $4 and change and that’s a heckova lot cheaper (and much better for you) than what you’d pay for  fast food joint meal. Another bonus is that they are very quick to prepare. A few minutes is all you need. And coming from a mom with a very busy 2 year old  (who am I kidding – he’s like Road Runner! Meep Meep!) and 2 school aged  children, I NEED fast, easy and healthy. When I have some down time I don’t want to spend it preparing lunch. Honestly Good is the perfect solution.

So, no more of this “eating healthy is so expensive” nonsense. Lean Cuisine has come to the rescue and even if you switch out just one meal a day and replace it with an Honestly Good meal (which I’ll be doing) you are taking a huge step toward good health.


Honestly Good meals by Lean Cuisine

Lean Cuisine

Now, go be healthy! Your body and your family will love you for it!

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One Comment

  1. I’m working on making healthier choices and putting an end to the excuses…just like you said these Honestly Good meals are more affordable than swinging through the drive through!

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