Ya know, I thought that once Emilee started Kindergarten I’d magically turn into this organized, on the ball mom who suddenly woke before the crack of dawn, showered, did her hair and make-up and got dressed all before the kids got up. Ummmm, no. Not so much. I often find myself scurrying around trying to do the girls hair and get them out the door for school. Most days I manage to pull it off with getting their hair up in their trademark ponytails but other days, I need a quick solution to taming Emilee’s wild hair. Thankfully she likes to wear her hair down so popping on a headband is a quick solution. Never having one on hand (that would be too easy), I decided to make some, thanks to this easy tutorial over at Paige and Brooke. They provide you with a template to download and all. Can’t get any better than that.

DIY Reversible Headbands

For the ones shown, I did make my own template and found that this would work better on adults with bigger heads. Is that mean? lol These were a bit too wide for Emilee although she didn’t seem to mind and managed to keep it on all day at school. That’s a huge feat for her!

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  1. I am headed to Hobby Lobby on Saturday. I have a huge shopping list. I can’t wait.

  2. Very cute! I have a ton of vintage fabric from old sample books they would be perfect for this project.

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. So this is what I get to look forward to once my baby girl starts school, more crazy days? šŸ™‚ At least those headbands will help bring brightness to each day! I love them!

  4. These are very cute! Do you have the larger pattern on your website I couldn’t find it. These will be great for my older daughters in some fun fabrics!

  5. Super neat idea. I love wearing them while I clean house to keep my hair out of the way. Or when I craft/scrapbook too. Sounds silly…but I need as few distractions as I can get!

  6. How cute! Great solution. Came over from Friday Follow. Nice to meet you.

  7. Stopping by from Friday Follow. I LOVE headbands, I wear them everyday when I work out at Pure Barre & rock the hard ones whenever I’m having a bad hair day. Its like an instant transformation!
    -Heather @ http://www.savingmoneylivinglife.com

  8. These headbands are soooo stinkin cute…luv them! Hop over and enter my CASH GIVEAWAY…great way to get some craft bucks:)


  9. Hello, I am new to your blog! You just made me laugh so hard I felt the same when when my son started kindergarten:)

    Love the head bands & thanks for including the big headed people like myself!

  10. Hi there, just found you though the Trendy Tree house blog hop. I’m so pleased to see someone who sews for some inspiration, I’m trying to learn. I’m a new follower.

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