Happy Saturday everyone!! Any of you snowed in this weekend? For once we did not get snow but let me tell ya, I feel for those that did. I’ve definitely had my fair share of digging myself out of 2+ feet of snow!

We had another great linky party this week. You guys are all so talented! I seriously wish I could feature everyone. I mean that!

Here are a few of my favorites:

These beautiful flower arragements from Simply Yoga. Thrift Store to the rescue with these. So pretty.

How about these repurposed soda bottles from Nap Time Journal? I love soda and I love candy – these are perfect!
Hey, don’t toss those paper grocery bags in the trash. You can use them for your valentine gift giving like Amy at New Nostalgia did. And she even gives you a template. Someone send me one. I love it. šŸ™‚

I love memory boards so you can imagine my joy when I found a tutorial for how to make one over at Bird Crafts. Her tutorial is great and so easy to understand.

I love original ideas and here’s one that I know you’ll love. A gift card tin mini scrapbook over at Our Growing Family and Adorable Misfits. I’m so in love with this project!

If you were featured in this post, please feel free to grab our “TGC Found Me” button to show off on your blog. Looking forward to seeing what everyone has cooked up for this coming week.

Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. xoxo, Kate says:

    we got almost 3ft. here in md!!!!

  2. WOOHOO, sorry this is the first time I have been featured! Thanks and I am glad you liked it!

  3. OMG!!!!! I LOVE your blog soooooo much! I am not only your newest follower, but I have added you to my favorites. LOVE IT!

  4. sweetpea@brown paper packages says:

    Great ideas! I love that tin–I made one for my parents’ anniversary, and I’ve been wanting to make another. Thanks for the reminder!!

  5. Lots of great ideas here. I will definitely be visiting their sites to check them out. Love the soda bottle makeover. I am doing a lot of upcycling with cereal boxes and jars. Have a blessed Sunday! šŸ™‚ Tammy

  6. nap time journal says:

    Thanks for featuring me! So happy to have found your blog a few weeks ago…one of my new favorites to follow! Have a great week!
    lots of love- Becca

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