It should come as no surprise to anyone that time just always seems to get away from me and my crafting these days has almost come to a halt. Just about the only thing you can count on from me lately is a fun party on Monday and a fun party on Friday. I could stomp my feet and cry and carry on like a big baby but instead I’ll use this opportunity to let my wonderful friends and readers come to my rescue. (Cue clapping and cheering)

Enter Teach Me Tuesday. All the cool kids are doing it (i.e. Tip Junkie and Keeping It Simple….did I miss anyone???). Every week I’m amazed by all of the talent that is linked up at our Just Something I Whipped Up linky party and I want to share that talent with you in a greater capacity. So…….if you have a tutorial that you’d like to share at The Girl Creative, here’s what you need to do:

  • Write a post on your blog (or grab a previous tutorial of yours) and then email the html code to me at
  • Don’t know how to do that? Let me tell you because it’s really simple. When you write a post on your blog there are 2 tabs: Edit Html and Compose. We write our posts from the Compose Tab. Once you have your post all drafted up (including all links and photos) click on the Edit Html tab. Copy all of that code and paste it into a Word or Notepad doc and email that to me with “Teach Me Tuesday” in the subject line.
  • It’s probably a good idea to begin your post with something like “Hey! It’s So & So from XYZ blog” so that readers know who the creative mastermind behind each tut is and also so that they can come visit your blog. šŸ™‚

Each Tuesday I’ll post one of YOUR tutorials and then you can grab this fancy button for your blog to let everyone know that you have been “dubbed” a Girl Creative.

I’m looking sooooo forward to this and I hope you are too. It’s going to be great fun. šŸ™‚

Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. I like this idea! Can it be a recipe or should it just be a craft? Can it be a room redo, blogging, Twitter tip? Thanks so much, always enjoy your blog and we all understand the real world takes more time šŸ™‚

  2. Very cool! I would love to try it one day! Will you ask us to send things on a certain day or how will it work?

  3. Heather – It can be a recipe for sure. And sure, why not a twitter tip. It can be a room re-do as long as you are showing us how to do something. šŸ™‚

    Lisa – if anyone has a tut they want featured they can just email it to me in the format requested (html) and I will just post a new one each Tuesday. šŸ™‚

  4. Such a fabulous idea…you are a generous blogger for sure Diana! I need to make up a tutorial pronto! Have a great weekend!

  5. I’m new to your blog and a wannabe crafter, but I shop way more than I craft. Your blog is a wealth of info that I plan on visiting often. Please come visit me sometime.

  6. Thank you for this opportunity, I would love to participate one Tuesday!
    Have I told you how much I love your new blog design? I know you’ve had it for a little while, but when I clicked on just now and it loaded I was thinking, wow, I love the colors, the designs of the papers on the header, the “boards” with the font on them, the tabs… It’s just so pleasing and I love it!

  7. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [24 Apr 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  8. This sounds awesome! So FUN! hopefully i’ll have something to teach ya’ll

  9. i just emailed you a necklace tutorial i recently posted. i hope it went through ok. i’m nervous about the html thing.

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