The past few days have been nuts! We have more snow than we know what to do with. We lost power for almost a day (some people are still without power) and we spent a night in the hotel. We’ve been eating out and our whole routine has been thrown off. The girls have been home from school for nearly a week due to the “inclement weather” and I’ve consumed more junk food that what’s probably legally possible. Ugh! My house is a mess and I feel very frazzled! Sooooo, today I’m leaving you with my favorite posts from last week’s link party and tomorrow I will post our weekly Just Something I Whipped Up party but beyond that, I’m taking a break this week to re-group! If you are a sponsor, I’m automatically adding another week to your advertising. Knowing me I won’t be able to stay away all week but I will try and my laundry, house and husband will thank me. lol

Here are my favorites:
DIY Art Supply Shelf at Frugal Home Designs
Purse Organizer at Sew Crafty Meg
Spray Painting Kitchen Cabinets at Simply Stafford
Hanging Rose Balls at House of Smith’s
Alphabet Magnets made over at Moody Girl Projects
Pottery Barn inspired Ceramic Platter Chalkboard at The Creative Maven
If you find yourself featured in this post, grab our “TGC Found Me” button located in our sidebar to show off on your blog. So, so many great links this week. Thanks so much for participating! Come back tomorrow and link up again. 🙂
Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. You poor dear. I’m so sorry you’ve had such a rough week. Thanks for continuing to inspire though, despite your frazzled state. 🙂 Best of luck getting everything back to normal. I just had my wisdom teeth removed on Friday and I feel completely frazzled as well. House is a wreck, I can barely talk, and hubby is trying to take care of me. I’ll be back again tomorrow to link up!
    -Heather @

  2. Traci at ThreeDogsAtHome says:

    Nothing like a power outage to cut down on your blogging. Since I am new to your site it will give me a chance to poke around in your archives.
    Here’s hoping good weather is in store for you this week.

  3. Thanks so much for choosing my fun craft!
    I LOVE your blog and I’m SO incredibly flattered!

  4. Thanks SO MUCH for featuring me! I was just reading through the post and the first thing I thought was “Hey! That’s MY picture” haha – duh. 🙂

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