This past year we did a few projects around the house which required us to rent a dumpster or 2. During that time we cleaned out and organized our basement. I didn’t have many Christmas decorations to begin with but I was pretty sure they did not make it into the “toss” pile. Well, when I was digging out our decorations I noticed that our stockings were missing. So, being a little bold and brave with my sewing machine, I decided to “try” and whip some up for us. I heard felt was pretty easy to sew with (and it was), so I picked some up at Hobby Lobby and used some fabric from my stash and this is what I got.

Mine and the Mister’s. His cuff should have been the same size as mine but when I was sewing the “loop” on for hanging, it got caught and I couldn’t get it out was too lazy to try.
I gave Emilee the first choice of fabric and she chose the camouflage so hers is on the left and by default Gracie (who is so easy when it comes to this stuff) has the stocking on the right.

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  1. I love how you used the Hobby Lobby fabric…VERY CUTE! I think I have to go back and get more for myself. Thanks for stopping by at Lucky Star Lane and commenting! We love the girl creative! We added you to our blog roll!

    -Heather @ LSL

  2. Those are fantastic. Much more creative than my stocking I attempted from a sweater!

    So cute!

  3. I love these, my girls want to try them. GOD BLESS AND MERRY CHRISTMAS

  4. Awwww! Felt! It reminds me of our homemade stocking…. did you sew brick-a-brack borders on them???? lol šŸ™‚

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