Welcome to NEW FRIEND FRIDAY (sorry I’m so late!!) co-hosted by The Girl Creative and The Trendy Treehouse.

We made a ANOTHER CHANGE – From now on there will be a link to a continuous BIG LIST of NEW FRIENDS. You only have to add your blog once. Then come back often to visit and check out all the new blogs on the block.

No more worrying about being first on the list each week. Just casually visit blogs at your own pace. I will be adding a link in the left sidebar to this continuous party, so remember to check back often!

New Friend Fridays

We are not changing the button in honor of our fun New Friend Fridays name. So you can keep the one you have. If you do not have the button, you can grab it here.

So add a link below to your main blog to the ever growing list below. New Friend Fridays is a fun blog hop where it’s all about making new bloggy friends and offering meaningful comment support to other bloggers. Whether you add your link to the list at The Girl Creative or The Trendy Treehouse it’s all just one great big list.

Don’t forget to Follow…

The Trendy Treehouse & The Girl Creative if you love what we do! Wink, Wink!

Have fun finding new friends!!!

Explicit Links will be removed! This is a family friendly blog!

Please read above before linking up-changes have been made!

Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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