Hi The Girl Creative readers! I’m Laura from The Turquoise Home and I love to make my home pretty with DIY creations, crafts and fun finds. {I’d love to have to come over and visit anytime!} Thanks so much for Diana for inviting me to guest post today!

kid friendly green smoothie popsicles


If your kids are like mine, they don’t get too excited about eating their vegetables and sometimes fruit. Wouldn’t you love to sit your kids down in front of a plate of spinach, strawberries, blueberries and bananas and have them gobble it up? I found a way to do just that!

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I started making green spinach and fruit smoothies for myself years ago, and then started making them for my daughter too. She sometimes will drink them and sometimes not. So, I had the bright idea to turn my green smoothies into a Popsicle for her. What kid doesn’t love a popsicle?

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Spinach {I put in a couple of large handfuls}
  • 5-8 large frozen strawberries
  • ½ cup of frozen blueberries
  • 1 frozen banana, cut into chunks. {I cut up my bananas before freezing them}
  • ½ – 1 cup of milk, however much it takes to make it a smoothie-like consistency
  • 1 scoop of protein powder, optional

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I add the spinach first, so that the weight of the fruit will push it down for easier blending. Then I add the fruit and the milk {and protein powder if you want to.} Then blend until smooth. I start with about a half-cup of milk and then add more as needed.

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Then you just add the smoothie to the Popsicle molds. I bought these Popsicle molds from IKEA and they work great. You can have your kids help at this point if you’d like, depending on how much mess you are willing to clean up. 😉

Place the molds into the freezer and let them freeze for 6 hours or more. I usually leave mine in there for a day before we eat them, but you can wait less if you’re really excited to try them. Take them outside and enjoy!


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These are messy outside because the temps are so hot, so don’t eat them before you need to go somewhere. I usually give them to my daughter when she wants to play outside in the water. That way after she’s done with her Popsicle, she can rinse off in the water. If you want to contain the mess, just keep the kids inside.

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If you like this post you may also want to check out my post about Family Movie Night gift ideas. And I’d love for you to follow along with me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter!

Thanks again to Diana for allowing me to guest post in her Creative Memories with Kids series this summer. I hope you have a great day!

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