My little girls love a good tea party – and I wonder why I often put them off of the idea.  It’s not difficult to throw together a quick tea party to satisfy the fancy in our sweet little tots.  They are not as fussy as we are when it comes to tea time delicacies.  I lived in England as a child so grew up enjoying the “British-ness” of afternoon tea, or popping out to the village to enjoy a tea and scone after marketing.  Tea parties can create beautiful memories for our children – you don’t have to have bone china, you don’t have to be English, just use what you have and  I guarantee they will love it!
Easy Peasy steps to making a cute and fun tea party:

1. Prepare your sweet and simple scone recipe.  The is a traditional scone, not super sweet.
I used whole wheat flour in the photo version.

2. After the scones are baked (which takes about 15 minutes) and cooling, you can begin to create your setting for the party.  I used the girl’s bedroom, with pink walls, and a little bitty table and chairs it was easy to get started.  You can use paper napkins or even paper towels (which you can decorate with rubber stamps and indelible ink) or bust out the vintage linens you really never use.  I used a baby receiving blanket that already had a few stains on it…no one will notice.  I had a flower arrangement that was starting to droop so I cut off the blooms that still looked lovely and placed them in a little vase on the table.  You could use an old tea pot, jar, whatever you have.  Little girls love flowers!

3. Next, invite your guests!  Tell your children that they are having a tea party and they will scramble to get ready, finish their homework, clean their rooms, you name it!  My cutie Holland decided to put on a “fancy” dress, and my youngest Darcy just stayed as she was in shorts…(yeah, mom was too lazy to change her…)
We also invited the tidiest of the toy collection.  We couldn’t invite all the toys because we didn’t have enough seating…

4. My girls love whipped cream and berries, so I knew I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to break out the Kitchenaid and whip fresh cream, and luckily I found some lovely organic strawberries!  These elements go with fresh scones to perfection.

5. Mismatched china cups and saucers make great plates for little scones.  I even found a mini tea pot for Holland to pour her own tea.  You can find mini tea pots at places like Homegoods for about $4 too.  Keep an eye out at yard sales this summer too.

6. Dollop your cream in an old tea cup or jar.  Stack your strawberries (or other berries or grapes) in a pretty bowl.  My scones are supposed to be heart shaped…pile them on a plate with a little bowl of honey or maple syrup.  You can, of course, brew tea for the party.  I suggest a nice decaf fruity blend, but apple juice or milk works just as well.  Pour your brew into your little pots or a little white pitcher.  If you’re lucky enough to own a miniature tea set, then it’s the perfect time to get it out of the tissue paper.  Ikea has mini forks and spoons and plates for a very reasonable price if you need some.

7. When the children come to the table, say a quiet prayer, and smile and let them enjoy.  The toys can enjoy a sip or two as well…  Sing some songs like “I’m a little tea pot” to get them started.  If you happen to own a book about tea then you can read them a bit.  Let them pour their own tea and dollop cream on their scones with tiny spoons.  Nothing is more fun.

8. More food ideas:
I’ve also been less creative and used pretzels, veggie sticks, cucumber sandwiches, chopped up fruit with toothpicks inserted, homemade cookies, crackers and peanut butter, and popcorn as my tea party fare.  Use what you have – really.

Other versions:
Pack it all up in a basket and go to the park or even just the backyard.  A tea party picnic is sure to please all involved!
Lay a blanket on the living room floor and have a teddy bear’s picnic.

And don’t forget to sit cross-legged on the floor with your camera ready…pop some cream in your mouth and take some pictures your kids will always remember.

Stay creative and keep blogging!

If you need help with blogging, getting your blog out there, learning how to post your glorious photos of your kids’ tea party, or just want to stay up to date with the bloggy world, please check out The Blog Guidebook.  And you can find my personal blog at Different Dogwood Cottage.

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  1. Super sweet! I’ve been thinking that my girl is overdue for a mini-party with her little peeps. This is a great idea – and you’re right – we can keep it simple and they will still absolutely love it! -diane

  2. This is really cute. I let my kids eat breakfast by a little table in their little chairs every weekend morning, they love it. Once we even did it in their room and they used their little teaset and decked the table themselves. So much fun.

  3. I’ve been thinking that I need to start doing this with my girls- they’re the perfect age for it. I really need to make time and do it!

  4. My girls both adore tea parties, but they are always 100% pretend. Make believe food & tea. It might be fun to have a real one. Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. The Girl Creative says:

    Sarah, what a wonderful first post!! Love it. šŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing that with us. xoxo

  6. Sarah (Blog Guidebook) Bradford says:

    Tea parties are great for boys too, sorry to have forgotten to mention that…they can wear daddy’s tie or their favorite cowboy boots…gotta have some dudes in there!

    Have a great tea party everyone!

  7. I love tea parties. I had one for the children of my friend, we had a blast. My mom is Australian so I know all about tea time.

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