With 2011 coming to an end I decided to pay some tribute to my blog crushes of 2011. Some of them will be very familiar to you. Some of them will be new finds. They are all top notch in my book and I visit them regularly. And if they have a Facebook presence, I will follow them there too!

…..In Random Order…..

::::::Two Shades of Pink::::::


::::::Lolly Jane::::::


::::::The Tomkat Studio::::::


::::::Tatertots and Jello::::::

I just want to interject here and tell you a little bit about my experiences with Jen from Tatertots and Jello. I’m sure you are all familiar with her and her amazing blog. Yes? Okay. Her blog is hugely popular, she has an incredible following and yet she still takes the time to comment on blogs. My blog. That alone blows me away because I don’t have anywhere near her following and I struggle to leave comments. Then, THEN she said “yes” when I asked her to guest post during my Creating Christmas event. You definitely want to hang around her blog. šŸ™‚

::::::Love the Day::::::


::::::Little Lucy Lu::::::


::::::The 36th Avenue::::::

The 36th Avenue

::::::Confessions of a Cookbook Queen::::::

{Just found this one today and this chick is funny!}

::::::Fingerprints on the Fridge::::::

fingerprints on the fridge

{Okay, this last one is NOT a blog but I’m incredibly in love with this site}

::::::Shop Sweet Lulu::::::


I’m looking forward to discovering some new crushes in 2012. šŸ™‚

Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. Umm…. I think I just about passed out reading this, Diana!
    I feel ridiculously “unworthy” to be included in that list, and I seriously have no words to tell you how exciting that is for me.
    It’s funny – because what you said about Jen/TT&J is EXACTLY the way I feel about you!
    You have been SO kind and encouraging to me over the last year since I began this blogging adventure, and it has meant more to me than you know!
    THANK YOU for this special gift today!
    Prayers for a HAPPY 2012 in your home!
    ~Bec šŸ™‚

  2. Thanks for the new blogs to check out! I only knew Tatertos and Jello, so I’m excited about finding some new ones!

  3. OOOH YOU ARE THE BESTEST BESTEST EVER! What a tremendous honor my friend! Thank you so much for including my little blog as a 2011 crush. SO SWEET! I am in some tremendous company here and every single one of these blogs are incredible. And I just sent you an email so be looking for that too. šŸ™‚

  4. I love this post. I’m still fairly new and I’m always looking for new blogs to follow. I already follow you šŸ™‚

  5. Thanks for letting me know about some more cool blogs amd I have been following Lucy Lu for over a year now and I love her blog so much. šŸ™‚

  6. I’m already a follower of several of these wonderful blogs, and gladd you shared new ones with us!

  7. Thanks for sharing these with us! I visited each one and love them all. So many great ideas. I’m definitely following some new ones now and I’m glad you decided to share these. Blogland is so huge and it’s hard to find people among this sea of crafts so getting recommendations helps.

  8. 3 things: I love your blog design.
    I’m head over heels in love with your aqua pine cones.
    And I’m so excited to check out your blog loves. One of my favorite things on the planet is discovering a new blog I love and I haven’t seen most of these!!! Yay!!!

  9. Thanks for hitting on some that I adore … and introducing me to some new ones to check out! (Not that my reading list needs to get any longer …)

  10. ooooh I love this I don’t know half of these yeah, off to check out new blogs!

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