TGIF is all this mom can say! Our weeks are so crazy these days and Friday night is when I can take a breather for a little bit. No homework to be done, no practices or games to take the kids to, no where to be! I love it!

You may or may not have noticed that aside from our 2 weekly parties, I have not posted much in the last few weeks. It’s not for lack of inspiration or supplies or that everything on my craft to-do list has been checked off, it’s been because I needed to take care of my house. If you’ve been a reader of mine for any length of time you will know that I struggle to keep order in my house, to get the laundry done, to have balance in my house. One thought that’s been going through my head the last few weeks as I’ve had a a sick little boy, a MOUNTAIN of laundry to do, and State Tests for my 9 year old to worry about is that “I am a blogger last“.

As much as I enjoy my blog and being creative and doing all the fun crafty things I love to do, I am a mother first. I have to be. And not only a mother but a wife. I love my family. I’m so grateful for all of the blessings God has given me. But it sure is hard to keep in mind when you are run down and exhausted and tired and you really just want some “ME” time.

So this week after that quiet little reminder that I’m sure was from the Holy Spirit, this is what has been keeping me from blogging:



To say that I was caught up would be the understatement of the year! But I’m making progress!

Here’s my crazy-haired little guy watching me as I’m trying to figure out my new camera


This  next picture sums up the usual on goings with a 2 year old in the house: stealing my diet coke and hands on my laptop (totally caught red-handed)!


So, that has been my life these days and I’m embracing the crazy!

(I did take photos of my girls but must have shot those in RAW – a new format I”m learning about with my camera but forgot that I need to convert them to JPG so I will blog about them another time.)

I DO have a FREE printable for you today for Free Printable Friday! I found this quote on motherhood a few days ago and it is really goes so well with this post. What a great reminder that our families (after God of course) need to come first.

Motherhood is a Calling Printable

FREE for Personal Use. Please direct people to this post to download.

Download PDF Here

Have a great weekend! Come back SUNDAY NIGHT for our PIN PARTY:

Ready, Set, PIN where you will be linking up your PINS that you want REPINNED for more exposure!

Here’s a peek at last week’s party so you will know what to expect!

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  1. Love, love, love your post!
    Thank you so much for keeping your priorities straight. So glad you are listening to the Holy Spirit. The blog will always be here, and there will always be something to post. But your precious ones … they’ll grow up and be gone in a blink of an eye.
    Yes … always a mama first!
    Hugs & Blessings …
    Simply Fresh VIntage

  2. Love everything about this, Diana. And I know how you feel! The only way I get my blogging stuff done is b/c my kids are at school all day…but they all (plus kids that aren’t even mine) come home for (gourmet…hehe) lunch. So, I’ve had to set myself a schedule…but that’s hard to do when life throws you curb balls! Love the photos! I’m so happy (and relieved) it’s friday! Yay!!

  3. I love this post…and a good reminder not to get to caught up in the things that matter least. I love my kiddo’s & hubbie and it’s good to know I’m not the only one who struggles with a home & the mess that comes along with that! xoxox’s! Have a wonderful weekend =)

  4. Dear Diana,
    This is my first visit to your blog and Amen that you put things into perspective. I love your poster on motherhood, thanks for the reminder. have a great weekend! Looking forward to reading more.:)

    1. Thanks so much! I know your blog – I came across it awhile ago and loved it! šŸ™‚ XOXO

  5. So true and enjoy every moment that you have to be with them and teach them.

  6. Balancing everything can be so hard! It is always good when we can put into perspective what truly matters. I blog to share my ideas, but also to fill that “me time” space. I need an outlet for myself to connect with others so that I can be a better wife and mom. But I didn’t realize how much work it was going to be to keep it up! Sometimes you just have to let something go (at least for a little while).

    1. So true. I’m trying to make better choices as to what I let go. lol šŸ™‚

  7. Love this post. Such a great reminder that caring for our family is more important than the hobbies or the work/blog. Thanks for the beautiful printable.

  8. Thanks so much for creating all these lovely printables. I teach middle school at a Christian school, and it is so hard to find verses to post that are not kiddie or corporate. Yours are perfect for my classroom. They will inspire my students and brighten my room. Blessings to you!!

    1. Thank you so much!!! What a wonderful compliment. šŸ™‚ XO

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