This post brought to you by The Hershey Company. The content and opinions expressed below are that of The Girl Creative.

Each holiday we are faced with one question: Will we travel to be with extended family or will we stay home? When my kids were smaller we would make frequent trips down to Long Island to spend various holidays with family. Now that they are older and are more involved in things, we have been spending more holidays at home. I come from a big, Italian family and a holiday just wasn’t a holiday unless we had a ton of people and a ton of food. Over the years we’ve had family move and grandparents pass on so I’ve really had to find new ways to make the holidays special and memorable for my own kids. In the past I’ve gone a little crazy with individual Easter baskets for the kids……….which always leads to “Hey! That’s my basket.” “No, it’s mine, see? Yours is this empty one with all the wrappers in it over here.” So, this year I decided that I was going to create a giant, DIY Family Easter Basket. Sure, there will be some individual things for each of them but having one big basket will eliminate a bunch of smaller ones floating around the house and getting misplaced. DIY Family Easter Basket Now, you and I both know that chocolate in an Easter basket is the number one thing that kids look for. Heck, it’s the first thing that I would look for! And if you are going to fill an Easter basket with chocolate, you have to use the best there is and you know where I’m going with this. Hershey’s candies. There’s a wide variety of new and classic Easter treats from Hershey, so you can be sure to find something that every member of your family will love. In fact, I can already pick out what each member in my family is going to go for. My middle daughter, Gracie, and I will be heading right for the Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs. They come in milk AND white chocolate (Lord have mercy!). My husband will head straight for the Jolly Rancher Jelly Beans. My oldest, Emilee, will grab the Whoppers Mini Robin Eggs candies and my son, Kole, will definitely want the Jolly Rancher Lollipops. Easter Basket-content3

Easter Basket-content4 I may even head for the Cadbury Creme Egg. Would you believe I have never had one before? I might sneak a taste before Easter. Shhh! Don’t tell.

To make this huge, DIY Family Easter Basket you will need: Round Hat Box (2) 12″ wooden dowels Hot glue gun Printable Happy Easter banner (download here) Lots of #HersheysEaster loot!

Easter Basket-before1

All I did was hot glue a dowel on the inside of the hat box on each side and then strung the mini Happy Easter bunting with bakers twine and glued to the top. So quick and simple and it only took a few minutes.

Easter Basket-before-withbanner

Easter Basket-Before2

Next, I loaded ‘er up with my stash of Hershey’s chocolates and candies and called it done! I know my kids will be so excited to dig into this basket on Easter Sunday. Heck, they know I’ve been working on it and I’m not sure I’ll be able to hold them off for another week! You can find all of this yummy Hershey goodness at retailers nationwide. Since we have decided to stay home this year, we are definitely going to take part in our annual Easter egg hunt right in the front yard. I’m also planning a fun family movie night to finish the day off. Hershey’s candies, Easter egg hunt, movie with the family – that’s the making of a wonderful Easter!

Easter Basket-veritcal-notextCelebrate with Hershey’s

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  1. Judy Brannon Seaman says:

    Love the hat box. Such a cute idea!
    As an aside, I don’t know if other subscribers are having this issue, but yesterday I got about a dozen e-mails that looked like they originated from you, but they said something about Cheap Jordans in the subject line, and had a bunch of numbers and letters to follow. The first line that is visible was unintelligible babble. I did NOT open them. Not sre if the problem is on your end or mine, but I wanted you to be aware.

    Thanks for the great ideas.

    1. Thanks so much! I love how it came out. šŸ™‚
      Ugh, I know! lol I got hacked somehow on my guest user account and had to do a big cleanup. Sorry your inbox got swamped with that craziness. XOXO

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