This post brought to you by Glad & M&M’S®. The content and opinions expressed below are that of The Girl Creative.

I whipped up some yummy holiday party treats this weekend and I couldn’t stop eating them! No matter how many times I closed the lid on my Glad Holiday Storage Containers, I kept going back for more chocolate covered peppermint pretzels and Santa’s snack mix. Both treats are perfect for noshing. Chocolate Covered Peppermint Pretzels3 Have you ever made chocolate covered pretzels? My mom used to make them all the time around the holidays when I was growing up. They were good then but I really, REALLY think that adding crushed White Chocolate Peppermint M&Ms® on top (available at Target by the way) makes them soooooo much better! Chocolate Covered Peppermint Pretzels2 Ingredients: 1 bag Light Cocoa Melting Chocolates Pretzels 1 bag of White Chocolate Peppermint M&Ms® Instructions:

  • Put about half the bag of White Chocolate Peppermint M&Ms in a zip lock bag and using a kitchen mallet, crush into pieces. If you don’t have a kitchen mallet you can try using a rolling pin. I’ve done that before and it works okay.
  • Melt Light Cocoa Melting Chocolates according to package instructions. I use the microwave method and works out fine every time.
  • Dip pretzels one by one into melted chocolate, shake off excess and place on a parchment paper lined baking sheet.
  • Sprinkle crushed White Chocolate Peppermint M&Ms® on top. Once your baking sheet is full, put tray in refrigerator for about 30 minutes so that the chocolate hardens up.
  • Store in Glad Holiday Storage Containers (also only available at Target) Note: I think they taste so much better cold and luckily the Glad ware doesn’t take up much space so you can pop them right back into the fridge. I also want to add that I picked up one of the big Glad Holiday Storage Containers last year and I still have it. It’s held up wonderfully.

If you have leftover ingredients like I did, grab a holiday chocolate mold from your stash and make some chocolate! Glad2 If you are in need of a quick gift idea, the Glad Holiday Storage Containers are so cute and festive that all you need to do is fill them up with some delicious holiday treats, wrap some twine and ribbon around them and call it done. Glad1 The fun didn’t stop there though! I also whipped up a batch of Santa’s Snack Mix. I got the recipe off the back of my Glad containers. Each set of Glad Holiday containers has a fun recipe right on the back. AND the featured recipes will fit right in the container you got it from. Sweet! Glad-Lead Now, I’m at Target a lot. I love to go there for just about anything but what I really love picking up when I go there is the holiday M&Ms. I discovered my love for the Holiday Mint M&Ms last year and always stock up whenever I go. They are great for baking too. Luckily they always have enough! Target Display

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