This post brought to you by Dollar General. The content and opinions expressed below are that of The Girl Creative.

I love to change the decor on my living room shelf with each passing holiday. I get bored very quickly so thankfully there always seems to be some odd holiday to decorate for. I’m finding that I seem to be busier and busier these days and the idea of a more everyday look is appealing to me. I won’t feel too bad if I don’t get around to decorating for Valentine’s Day or Easter because my shelf will look great the way it is. Everyday Mantel Decor This winter in NY has been a brutal one. With the snow and cold temps I’ve been spending more time indoors than I’d like and mama is getting a bit stir crazy. Transforming my shelf from Christmas to everyday was the perfect thing to help get my mind off of being cooped up and I took a little trip to Dollar General to do a little shopping. This is what my shelf looked like after I put all of my Christmas stuff away. Simple Home Decor for Everyday Empty and blah and screaming for a makeover. As I mentioned earlier, I live in NY. I’ve always lived in New York. My husband works for the state of New York. We both grew up on Long Island, surrounded by the beach and I thought it was about time that I added a little bit of New York to our home. On my trip to Dollar General I grabbed a giant hurricane vase, some mason jars, blue stones, sand and shells and got to work. It was a super easy and quick project (my favorite kind!) and it dresses up my shelf quite nicely. Dollar General-closeup1 I layered the sand, stones and shells just a bit and filled up my vase about half way. I did the same with my mason jars. I also found those pretty white candle holders at Dollar General (I’ve been wanting those for awhile so this gave me an excuse to buy them) and placing them in between my beach themed jars was just what my shelf needed to be complete. Dollar General-closeup2

Dollar General-afterI always try to be budget conscious when decorating my home and Dollar General really hit the mark for me. I spent less than $25 on the entire project. I’ve shopped at Dollar General before for household products and now I know I can shop there for home decor as well. Be sure to check out Dollar General on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for decorating/DIY ideas and more!

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