How many of you have those go-to scriptures when times are tough? You have them memorized word for word, they are all highlighted and marked up in your Bibles and probably plastered around your house or office or even car in little places for easy reminders and encouragement that you’re not alone and that God is still in control. I decided to share this Jeremiah 29:11 Print since this verse provided me with much comfort at various times in my life.
Printable Scripture Art

Jeremiah 29:11 Print

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  1. Oh, I love this! This verse is my husband and I’s go-to verse lately, as we’re preparing to go overseas as career missionaries later this years. With all of the unknown before us, it helps to be reminded that the Lord has a good and hope-filled plan for us!! May I share this post with my blog readers so they can be encouraged, too? Thanks again!

  2. We have a whole lot going on this year….including but not only a international house move! This verse just reassured me that in making our plans God will be with us every step of the way! Many thanks Diana!

  3. This is my all time favorite verse! I am so happy that you made a printable out of it!! Thank you so much! This one has gotten me through so much!
    XO, Barbara

    1. This is beautiful. I’m going to link your post to our Hide His Word Facebook page since we’re memorizing Jeremiah 29:11 this week. Thanks!

  4. Thank you! This is such a beautiful gift. I love this verse and this poster is so beautiful. I just made a copy and hung it up in my kitchen/dining area at our beach cottage. Also, I want you to know how much I adore your blog!

    1. Oh my gosh, thank you so much!! That was the sweetest comment! You made my night. 🙂 XOXO

  5. Thanks so much Diana for sharing this, love it!

  6. this was the verse that kept me going through my chemo & radiation. I was 40 when I found out I had cancer. I’m now coming up on 49! Yay, go me!!

    1. I love that verse! And soooo, so glad that you are a cancer survivor!! That is awesome. 🙂 Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. 🙂 XOXO

  7. Thank you so much for freely sharing your files they are really appreciated

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