I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! Download free printable ice cream cone wrappers for your next party or just because!

Printable Ice Cream Cone Wrappers-Hero

I’m sucker for printables, you all know that. I’ve enjoyed broadening my horizons this year to include some party printables and I’m thrilled to be adding printable ice cream cone wrappers to my collection! They are fun to use, easy to design and look adorable too!

Printable Ice Cream Cone Wrappers-content1


All you need is sugar cones, your home printer, copy paper and tape and you are all set! I designed a boy set exclusively for Real Housemoms this month and knew that I jut had to design and adorable girl set as well.

This set includes flowers, bubble dots,  multicolored polka dots, pink polka dots, triangles and chevron. Perfect for a birthday or event or just because!

Ice Cream Cone Wrappers - Flowers and Pink Polka Dots


Ice Cream Cone Wrappers - Triangles and Bubble Dots


Ice Cream Cone Wrappers - Multicolor Polkadots and Chevron


DOWNLOAD Flowers and Pink Polka Dots

DOWNLOAD Triangles and Bubbles

DOWNLOAD Multicolor Polka Dots and Chevron

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Don’t forget to stop by Real Housemoms and grab Printable Ice Cream Cone Wrappers for BOYS.

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  1. Lora Cotton says:

    FYI: The links are messed up. All three go to the flowers and pink polka dots, can’t get to the other two.

    1. Thanks for letting me know, Lora! Every now and then the links get messed up (not sure why that happens) but I fixed it now. šŸ™‚

      1. Lora Cotton says:

        Thanks Diana! Life got in the way this week, so just now getting back to see the correction.

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