Best Ever Cream Cheese Cookies

Best Ever Cream Cheese Cookies

I thought to share one of my simplest and most favorite recipes today: Best Ever Cream Cheese Cookies.  I love the way this dough mixes up in just a few minutes and is so versatile; you can drop these cookies, roll them into balls or even roll the dough for cut-out cookies.

I went with the drop method and tossed the lumps of dough in some vanilla sugar before baking.  These cookies truly are as good as they look, with a soft, dense inside and a lightly hardened, sugary outside to sparkle in the sunshine. The key to this cookie recipe is to not over-think it, just do what it says.  There’s not much beating time involved and the dough chills out in the fridge for thirty minutes, while you get your groove on to do some baking. For the cookies in the photo, I scooped and dropped the dough in sugar, then dropped it on the cookie sheet.  No shaping or rolling was involved and this helps them turn out thick and fluffy.

Best-Ever Cream Cheese Cookies

1/2 Cup Unsalted Butter (room temperature)
3 oz. Regular Cream Cheese (room temperature)
1 1/2 Cups Confectioner’s Sugar
1/2 Tsp Baking Powder
1 Egg (room temperature)
1/2 Tsp Pure Vanilla Extract
1 3/4 Cups All – Purpose Flour

Heat your oven to 375 degrees and line your cookie sheets with parchment paper. Place butter and cream cheese in your mixer bowl and beat for 1 minute. Beat in the sugar and baking powder. Add the egg and vanilla and ‘Beat Until Fluffy.’ Beat in the flour. Chill for 30 minutes for drop/roll cookies, one hour for cut-out cookies. Scoop by rounded teaspoon full and dredge drop cookies (roll balled cookies) in superfine sugar. Bake for 7 minutes. Cool for 1 minute on cookie sheet then transfer to wire racks to cool completely. You’ll get no less than 2 dozen dropped or rolled cookies out of this dough. The yield on cut-outs will depend on how big the shapes are (baking time remains the same). I make these cut-outs about 1/4 inch thick.

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  1. I love anything with cream cheese in it and these cookies look really yummy!

  2. These sound SO yummy! I’m dying to try them!

  3. Mary Grace McNamara says:

    I saw this post right before I went to bed last night and guess what I dreamed about……………c o o k i e s! They look so delicious! I’m printing this recipe!


  4. Queen Snarfy says:

    I think I’m going to die from happiness! Cream cheese? Cookies? All in one?? *Swoon*

  5. Hi I am Nicole from I found you on a blog hop and wanted to drop by and say hi. I really like your blog, and am now a new follower. I would love to have you stop by Colieā€™s Kitchen if you get a chance.

  6. Yum! Cream cheese and cookies are two of my favorite things. Throw in a cup of coffee on the side, and I’m sold! šŸ™‚

    I love your site. I found you through another blog hop. I’m now a follower.

    Jo @

  7. Midwest Mommy says:

    I don’t think I have ever had a cream cheese cookie.

  8. I’m sorry, I feel like a dork, but I’m not seeing the recipe…? Am I missing a link? I really want to try these, please help! thanks šŸ™‚

  9. I seriously had to dig for the recipe Kaedra, but here it is.

    Best Ever Cream Cheese Cookies
    June 21, 2010

    1/2 Cup Unsalted Butter (room temperature)
    3 oz. Regular Cream Cheese (room temperature)
    1 1/2 Cups Confectioner’s Sugar
    1/2 Tsp Baking Powder
    1 Egg (room temperature)
    1/2 Tsp Pure Vanilla Extract
    1 3/4 Cups All – Purpose Flour

    Heat your oven to 375 degrees and line your cookie sheets with parchment paper. Place butter and cream cheese in your mixer bowl and beat for 1 minute. Beat in the sugar and baking powder. Add the egg and vanilla and ‘Beat Until Fluffy.’ Beat in the flour. Chill for 30 minutes for drop/roll cookies, one hour for cut-out cookies. Scoop by rounded teaspoon full and dredge drop cookies (roll balled cookies) in superfine sugar. Bake for 7 minutes. Cool for 1 minute on cookie sheet then transfer to wire racks to cool completely. You’ll get no less than 2 dozen dropped or rolled cookies out of this dough. The yield on cut-outs will depend on how big the shapes are (baking time remains the same). I make these cut-outs about 1/4 inch thick.

  10. These are so good! The dense center is so nice and the outside crisps up so nicely.

    Thanks for this share

  11. Ok, within the last week I commented about these delicious cream cheese cookies and how they were soft and tasty, while another recipe I tried for Christmas cutouts were hard.:( They are so buttery, my husband and I were thinkin there was sumpthin that culd go with the buttery flavor. Today I tried them with a little almond flavor in the mix and crushed almonds on top….excellent! Someone above commented on lemon zest, and I think there could be many yummy combinations with this buttery cookie recipe.

  12. Rebecca Jandura says:

    Not sure what I may have done wrong (I am a pretty accomplished baker) but I taste no cream cheese… is the above ingredients list correct? When I make a recipe for the first time I follow it to the letter, then experiment with the next batch. They sound so yummy, please help~

  13. I had the same problem as Rebecca. My cookies didn’t taste like cream cheese, or much else. I love the texture, but I am not sure if I did something wrong. Should there be a pinch of salt in the recipe?

  14. Anonymous says:

    The cream cheese should be 8 ounces not 3. Typo in the recipe.

  15. julie collett says:

    I can’t seem to view the recipe? I used to be able to but can’t find where the link is for some reason…???

    1. Julie – it’s all fixed now. šŸ™‚ Thanks for reminding me that I had to update the link. XO

  16. The link doesn’t work.

    1. So sorry about that. I have provided the recipe in the post now. Thanks for letting me know. Enjoy. šŸ™‚

  17. Noticed in the comments that recipe should call for 8oz cream cheese, not 3oz but recipe still says 3oz. Which is correct?

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