Around Valentine’s Day I shared my Best Ever Chocolate Chip Cookies recipe which is my favorite thing to bake. I normally keep all the ingredients in the house so any time I feel like whipping them up, I can. Well, lately I’ve been on a Cake Batter Blondie kick and have been stocking up on white chocolate chips so when I went to bake my best ever chocolate chip cookies, all I had were white chocolate chips on hand. Figuring I’d improvise a bit, I used the same basic ingredients but added sprinkles and white chocolate chips instead and came up with these White Chocolate Confetti Cookies. They are super sweet and perfect for anyone who has a sweet tooth. They were gone within hours!

 White Chocolate Confetti Cookies

Now I realize this probably isn’t an original recipe. I’m sure it’s been done a ton of times but for the sake of the people who happen upon this post first, you will use this recipe and instead of chocolate chips you will use white chocolate chips and about a quarter/half cup of sprinkles. Be prepared for a sugar rush! I think the combination of the white chocolate chips which are sweet all by themselves and the sprinkles make these cookies extra sweet. Even though I used a standard chocolate chip cookie recipe, they sort of reminded me of sugar cookies.

White Chocolate Confetti Cookies

Yum! Happy Monday!!!

Linking up to The 36th Avenue blog!

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  1. These cookies look so delicious! My husband really prefers white chocolate so this would be the perfect cookie to make for him.

  2. I love the idea of a white chocolate chip cookie, it doesn’t happen very often. It looks very good! I am glad I saw this on the Delish link party! šŸ™‚

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