This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and GoodNites, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #BetterNights

Potty training. I think that’s one journey that every parent dreads embarking on yet is deliriously happy about when they nail. I remember having such a feeling of accomplishment after I potty trained my first daughter. But ya know, you are never really out of the woods as far as accidents go for quite a while. Some children although successfully potty trained, have problems with bed wetting.

As a kid I had bed wetting issues. I don’t remember it going past first or second grade although my older sisters will tell you a different story! I remember my mom would put a shower liner under my sheets to protect the mattress. Smart thinking on her end and it never really bothered me until we had friends over. I remember one time one of my sister’s friends sat on my bed (I had the bottom bunk) and she heard the liner crinkle and she asked “What’s that?” Talk about embarrassing! Thankfully my daughters did not inherit my bed wetting issues but one of my girls does have the occasional “oopsie” at night. Most nights she wakes up, walks herself to the bathroom and takes care of “business” but every now and then she’ll wake up and her bed is soaked. And you know the routine. Strip the sheets off, clean and disinfect the mattress, flip it over and put a new set of sheets on and pray it doesn’t happen again because you’re all out of sides to flip the mattress on (and maybe clean sheets because you are ridiculously behind on laundry……not that I know anything about that! ha!).

GoodNites Bed Mats



Goodnites Bed Mats stack

Target GoodNites Bed Mats are a life saver for those middle-of-the-night ooopsies! They are nice and big and stick right to the mattress. (Don’t worry – they come off easy too – I made sure I tried).  I picked up a package at my local Target and used this awesome printable coupon to save myself a little money too!

All you need to do is peal off the corners, smooth the bed mat down on the mattress and cover with sheets. After that you are good to go! Should there be an accident, then your clean up is very minimal and your mattress is preserved.


Goodnites Bed Mat

Goodnites Bed Mats

Goodnites Bed Mats Hidden

Now we are prepared just in case we have an accident in the middle of the night. And you can be prepared too. Here’s a coupon to save $1.50 on your Target GoodNites Bed Mats or can be used on GoodNites Bedtime Underwear. Click HERE to redeem the coupon.

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  1. I just got some Goodnites bedtime underwear and so far they’re working really well! I think I’ll try the bedmats next time, they look really great! Actually I’m hoping we won’t need them 🙂

  2. We will definitely be trying out these bed mats when I let my son start wearing his underpants to bed!! He will be so happy to be able to do that and I am excited to know that there is a good option for accidents out there 🙂

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