I have tried to write this post 2x already and I can’t even get my thoughts together! My 7 year old is yapping in my ear. My 2 year old is squirting juice all over the place. Story of my life! ha ha So………allow me to just leave you with this simple Silent Night printable I created over the weekend. Oh wait. My 2 year old just flung his plate across the room. And there goes the fork. ANNNDDDD there goes the tray from the high chair! Please, please tell me that someone can relate???? It will make me feel a TON better!

A-N-Y-WAY….. Back to the printable. Last year I made Subway Art for O Holy Night. This year, I didn’t do subway art but I just created a little sign for one of my favorite verses of Silent Night.

long prom dress

There is just something about the word redeem. It’s a word that’s been swirling around in my head for weeks now. I heard it in a song recently and I haven’t been able to stop singing it. Then I was looking at the lyrics for Silent Night and saw it again.  Having been a Christian nearly my whole life I’ve been giving a lot of thought lately to my relationship with God, what He’s done for me, how I view Him, how He sees me. I think sometimes growing up in a Christian home you can sometimes take for granted salvation and exactly what Jesus has done. I think I feel like now (in my life) more than ever I’m really coming to appreciate and understand what  “redeeming grace”. Day in and day out I fail as a mother, a wife, a friend and I often feel like I’m constantly falling short, constantly disappointing…….WHOEVER…. but then I remember how I’m redeemed and God loves me in all my short comings. It’s a refreshing thought.

So…..totally not what I planned to write  but…….I kind of like when that happens!

Click HERE to download your FREE Silent Night Printable.

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  1. This is great. Thanks so much. Lynne from OZ

  2. Awesome printables! So sweet of you to provide. I printed off a couple of them.

    1. So glad you like them. šŸ™‚ That makes me happy!! XOXO

  3. When I print it will I have borders showing? How do I get around that? Thank you!!!

    1. It will have borders. You can get around that by changing a setting on your printer but all printers are different so I’m not sure exactly what you need to do. I’m sorry!!

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