I’m sure most of you are still in Christmas mode………..wrapping gifts, baking treats, last minute shopping, etc. But, I’m staying home for Christmas and all I need to do is wrap a few more gifts  so of course I’m onto the next holiday which is New Years. I came to a sudden realization a few weeks ago that 2014 is going to be my last full year in my 30’s. I had always said that I wanted my 40’s to be better than my thirties 30’s especially when it came to my weight and DUDE, this girl has a lot of work to do!

I don’t talk about it a whole lot on my blog but I’ve struggled with my weight pretty much my whole life. I’ve had a lot of ups and downs over the years and have been at my worst (and highest) these last 10 years. I’ve lost significant weight a few times over the course of my married life (11 years) but I find myself back to the drawing board. So, if I want to start my 40’s off right, 2014 HAS to be the year that I get my act together for once and for all!

I’m not really one for new years resolutions. Maybe it’s from years of making them and then always falling short that I just stay away from them now? Maybe it’s the whole idea of making a long list of things that I know I won’t get through and then feeling like a failure at the end of the year? Who knows. But I do know this: I can focus on one thing or a small handful of things and make them my goal for 2014 so that’s why I came up with this printable new year’s resolution.

Printable New Year's Resolution

Notice there aren’t any numbers. The idea of numbers turns me off. For someone who is very distracted and finds it hard to finish what they start, I knew that making a list of like 10 items would discourage me.  Leaving it open-ended seems more doable. I can write as many items as I want or as little as one. So with this printable you can do just that. You can make a list of a few things or write just one big one on there!

This year I will…..

this year i willThose a few things that I’d fill out on  mine. I can think of about a hundred more but if I can manage to pull this off this year – even just ONE of them – I will call it a success!

Click HERE to download your FREE Printable.  Print out with your home printer onto regular copy paper.


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  1. Love it! jUST PINNED it 😉 Yes, I agree, no numbers 😉 wishing a Merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you so much Ursula! Merry Christmas to you!!

  2. 2013 was the year I turned 40 and my “resolutions” were pretty similar to yours. With Weight Watchers some running and bootcamp I have lost 27lbs and am making healthier choices everyday. Good Luck.

    1. Congratulations!!! That’s awesome! I’ve had great success with Weight Watchers in the past. This year I’m trying something new. Fingers crossed! lol Happy New Year!

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