A few months ago I put together a household binder. Each month I would go and find a calendar online that I really liked and would print it out. I’ve always wanted to make one myself but it just felt like too much work, all the lines and grids, etc. (Hello, Lazy!) I saw a few floating around that gave me the idea to come up with the one I did and it was pretty painless. Score!

I know that for a lot of us January is cold and wintery and snowy but I wanted to make something that everyone could use so, here you go! I incorporated some neutral colors and every snuck in an itty bitty piece of subway art. Enjoy!

Click HERE to download

**This calendar is to be used for PERSONAL USE. If you would like to share, please direct people to this post to download. Thank you!

I’m linking up to Weekend Reading at Serenity Now and Feature Yourself Friday at Fingerprints on the Fridge

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  1. Ashley Phipps says:

    Super cute calendar!!! Thanks!

  2. Chloe West says:

    Love it! What did you use to make it?

    1. I used a program called Paint Shop Pro. It’s similar to Photoshop. I created all of the elements and the layout from scratch. The background was a digital scrapbook paper I purchased awhile back. šŸ™‚

  3. So pretty! Thank you for sharing. Will you be planning to share more as the months pass?

  4. So pretty! Thank you for sharing. Will you be making more each month to share?

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