Welcome to the Real Women of Blogger County Series!

Blogger County
The purpose of this series is to SQUASH the notion that DIY bloggers have it all together. We post our very best on our blogs and you only get to see the beauty shots of our projects. Well, that’s about to change! Every Saturday from now through April I will be giving you the inside look at what really goes on behind the scenes in our everyday lives. Ahem, what you might see if you were to pop by unannounced! You won’t see perfectly edited photos in this series. This series is about KEEPIN’ IT REAL!
 Hi everyone! I’m super excited to be part of the Real Women of Blogging Country series today… Its pretty obvious in my photos and life that I’m far from perfect… but, just in case you thought there was any touch of perfection in me…here are some photos to squash your theories… and give you a few smiles and laughs along the way.
First up, I’m Emily… from Nap-TimeCreations... I‘d love to have you stop over and say hello if you are reading this.
 I dream of living in a big bright home someday… but for now we are in a 900 sq. ft. apartment {see my home tour here} and space and light are limited… For a sewing blogger who dabbles in food as well, space and light are pretty important…I’ve worked around these issues the best I can, but they make for some fun photo set ups!
Here’s a pulled back photo from a recent photoshoot…. This corner of one room gets good afternoon light… so I set up my backdrops, push aside the sewing stuff and shoot away!
Here’s the same shoot, even farther back. Fun, huh! {grin}
Now let’s talk about my kitchen… its really nicely done… just super small!!
Here it is:
There are cupboards and a counter along the left that you can’t see, but this is essentially it.
Our home is also pretty cool in the winter months… so the other day when I wanted bread to rise… this was my solution.
Warm up oven, open door, turn off oven… raise the bread!! Creativity is key!!
Another thing you don’t always see on my blog is how many bad photos I take before I get a decent one… especially when I’m photographing my boys {which is a lot!} I say, “look at the camera, smile, this isn’t a movie, hold still, look here”… a million times to get a good one… here are a few outtakes for your viewing pleasure. {boys jean post here and bathrobe post here}
Speaking of those crazy boys…when I need to take photos I just clear a small corner and shoot some photos amid the “boy” I took photos of these pillow in the sunlight… moments later the dinosaurs took over! {final pillow tutorial here}
 and to close…. I will admit I generally like a tidy home.. {with the small space I have to!} but usually by the end of the day it looks like this in the living space…ahhh boys!!!
thanks for reading!!!I hope it put a smile on your face.. it sure did mine as I re-lived these moments.. Enjoy LIFE!!!.. perfect or not!!!
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  1. Emily thank you so much for sharing your photos of real life! Wow how awesome to see there are other bloggers just like me!

  2. My husband always laughs at me for taking a gazillion pictures in a row, but that really is necessary to get just one good picture. Thanks for sharing with us, Emily. I can’t believe I’ve done taken your home tour! Off to do that now 🙂

  3. I so love Emily & getting the chance to peek into her life a little deeper. Such a fabulous series.

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