Do you ever feel like you don’t have the crafty mojo on certain days? I certainly do! (More often than not!)
Well, to get inspired I love to look through my old Domino, Blue Print, or Martha Stewart magazines. But my new favorite inspiration in a website you may not have heard of yet, but everyone is talking about – Pinterest.

I found out about Pinterest early on and loved the concept! The user (that’s us) installs a little button in their browser that allow them to “pin” a copy of a photo or image into their Pinterest account onto “boards”. It’s something like virtual bulletin boards and reminds me of when I used to save bottle caps and ticket stubs and pin them on my huge bulletin board in my room as a teenager.

The way Pinterest inspires me is that it is possible to search for subjects, such as Crafts, Paper, Pretty, etc., and you’ll get to see some awesome photos of other people’s projects and pins. You may “repin” these to your own boards.
And the awesomeness of Pinterest is that you can be surfing along, you want to save an image you love, you pin it on one of your virtual “boards”, and Pinterest does the work for you…it saves all the location info for that image so you can always refer back to the original site you found it. Doesn’t that save tons of time?

Here are some great crafty inspirations I found today:

Some fun things you can pin are: Craft books, Cookbooks, Party ideas, Homemade clothes, Handmade toys, Ideas for Craft Projects, Christmas Gifts, Summer Decorations, Wedding Styles, Blogs To Visit…and more. You create your boards and start pinning. It’s super easy.

The creative juices will be flowing after browsing all the pretty pics on Pinterest. You will find there are many uses for this great free site too. I’d love to hear what you’ll do with it!

If you join up at Pinterest and love it let me know and feel free to use the “My Pinterest” button I created…so your friends can get to your Pinterest quickly and see what you pinned.

For more info about Pinterest go to their About section. Or read their blog. Have fun pinning!

You can find me at The Blog Guidebook! We’re celebrating our first anniversary with 30 Days of Giveaways!

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  1. I love all your DIY crafts that you found and shared with us today. Most of all, the flip flop hangers! I have literally, 50 flipflops tucked into an ugly thing hanging on my wall. Gross. I need to do something like that, thanks for sharing!!!!

  2. I love Pinterest. I can’t tell you how many things I would save or print only never to find it again or misplace it. It is an awesome way to organize your future projects! LOVE IT!

  3. Oh my gosh, I’m completely addicted to Pinterest. I love having all the boards, it helps me feel so organized! Your button is super cute, I might just have to use it!

  4. I love Pinterst. I had such a problem remembering where I saw something that I wanted to do and now I just pin everything and can find it with just one click! 🙂 I’m addicted!!!

  5. The Girl Creative says:

    So glad you posted about this, Sarah! I’ve been meaning to join and I finally did last night. I spent a good amount of time on it this morning getting some inspiration for my home.:)

  6. I’m not sure when I joined Pinterest, maybe last December. I got hooked immediately. So many great ideas!

    Find me at – Kindra Hayes

  7. LOVE Pinterest! Where can we link to to follow your pins?

  8. Sandee Spencer says:

    Would love to follow you on Pinterest! How do I connect!

  9. Mrs. H @ My Happily Ever After says:

    My coworker told me about Pinterest about a week ago and I’ve been totally obsessed ever since. You’re right…it’s like it hands you all kinds of creative ideas!

  10. I have been obsessed for about a month now! I think it’s the absolute best thing invented!! 🙂

  11. Thrifty Crafty Girl says:

    I love Pinterest! I just started it a week or so ago, but I’ve already pinned many things… I’ve lost several afternoons to Pinterest already!

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