What a week this has been!! Mr. GC had the week off as did the kids and we spent the whole week redoing our living room. We ditched an old school entertainment center/TV and replaced it with a nice flat screen, painted the living room and hallway (and all the trim) and got a new rug. I’m in the process of making curtains (why, oh why did I take this project on???) and throw pillows so I’m hoping to have everything completed this week so that I can post some pictures. We were so busy I even missed my Zumba class this week. Bummer! I really needed it too……..I’ve been eating like it’s going out of style!

But, enough ranting from me, let’s get to……..oh WAIT! I almost forgot! We got a table saw! I’m so excited! I have no idea how to use it but I can not wait to get my hands on it! šŸ™‚

Okay, for real now, here are some awesome projects from our Just Something I Whipped Up party this week.

Check out this chocolate nest and cake eggs from Under the Table and Dreaming.

Completely adorable camera bag and strap from The Little Green Bean

Egg love notes from Love Actually. What a cute idea!

Vintage number canisters from Beyond the Picket Fence

What a beautiful table scape from House of Grace

Bead board shelf from The Clever Chic

If you found your project featured in this post, please feel free to go HERE and grab out “TGC Found Me” button to show off on your blog.

I honestly can’t thank EVERYONE enough for participating and linking up week after week. This party has totally exceeded my expectations and I’m truly grateful for the chance to visit your blogs and to check out all of the crafty goodness out there in blog land. šŸ™‚
Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. You need a scroll saw! Those are so much fun and great for crafters. I was stuck to my dad’s before I moved away from home. I get his old one once I have room for it.

  2. I am eating like it is going out of style too. I guess with the winter and being shut in, 3 lbs. has crept up on me.

    Thanks for the links. Happy Easter.

  3. PeaceLoveApplesauce says:

    Love them all!

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