I’m so happy to finally be able to share this news with all of you. šŸ™‚ Mr. GC and I are expecting baby #3 in April. šŸ™‚ Thus the reason why I’ve been so tired and out of if the last few months.

A few years back I was pregnant and felt great. I was 9 weeks and went in for a routine ultrasound and they could not find a heartbeat. It was very devastating to us because I felt great, I was not bleeding, had no symptoms that anything was wrong. Last summer I had a chemical pregnancy.

So, when I got positive result this summer I was excited but nervous at the same time. We only told a few people right away and just asked people to keep us in prayer. I had an ultrasound on Friday and all looks well.

Praying for a HEALTHY baby boy. šŸ™‚

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  1. Wow that’s awesome news! Congrats to you and your family! Yay for babies! I wish you all the best with your pregancy and baby.

  2. Congratulations! A baby is a blessing from above.

  3. Congratulations!!! We’re expecting our 2nd March 25th, so we’re not that far apart : ) Hope you’re doing well and feeling great!

  4. Yay! I’m so happy for you and your family…congratulations to you all!

  5. Congratulations! What wonderful news!

  6. Mary Grace McNamara says:

    What a blessing! Every baby is a miracle! Congratulations to you and your husband and your whole family!


  7. Congratulations!! This is great news!! Best wishes for you and your family!

  8. Congratulations! What a wonderful addition to your family.

  9. 2littlehooligans says:

    oh congrats!! life with 3 is crazy and yet so wonderful, best wishes for a healthy pregnancy!

  10. So glad you and the baby are healthy and happy. I had two of those pregnancies where we did not have a heart beat, but we also have two beautiful girls, now almost 6 & 8. I’m now 48, so I think we are very blessed to have our two girls!

  11. YAY! You’ll be just one month behind us on our #3. We’re due in March. I think we are going to keep it a surprise this time around so now it’s just a chore to pick out TWO names. Congratulations

  12. congrats!! I know exactally how you feel about being nervous. We have also experienced some difficult pregnancies. Keeping YOU and your baby in our prayers!!

  13. Congratulations! That so exciting for you and your family.

  14. Congratulations! I pray right now for a wonderful and healthy pregnancy and baby! I wrote poems for each one of my children…to my oldest, my middle child and my youngest about why I love each one best! I’ll have to post these sometime! What a blessing for you! Christie

  15. Congratulations!! This is such wonderful news. We’ll keep you in our prayers.

  16. Oh congratulations! That is most exciting. I’ll pray for you and the baby. Hope everything continues to go well!

  17. congrats! Just wanted to leave you a comment to say I had the same thing happen to me…and the next pregnancy was perfect. Praying the same for you!

  18. DIANA!!! Yay!!! How very very exciting for you and your family! Looking forward to you joining the “threes” club! Big Congratulations! That’s a good lookin’ ultrasound!!!!


  19. CONGRATULATIONS! What wonderful, happy news! I will keep you and baby in prayer. I have had similiar experiences so I understand your timidness and reasons for waiting to share. Congrats!

  20. Congratulations to you and your family on this wonderful blessing!
    I will keep you & baby #3 in my daily prayers.

  21. Cathy @ The Far Fifty says:

    How exciting! Congratulations!

  22. Baby blessings for you and your family, how exciting! My 3 girls are the light of my life, and my grandbaby keeps that light glowing brightly!

  23. That’s great news! šŸ™‚
    My hubby and I are trying for a little one as well. I’m excited!

  24. Yay congrats!!!! I totally know how you feel about not being able to keep up with your blog. I am 8 weeks pregnant and am having a hard time keeping up. I will keep you in my prayers.

  25. whimsy*couture*sewing*tutorials says:

    Congrats and all the best for you and your family!:)

  26. Stevie @ Home is Where My Heart is says:

    Congratulations! I am pregnant and due in April too! This is my first and I haven’t had an ultrasound yet, our appt is this Friday. I won’t announce until I hear the heartbeat. I’m praying for you and your HEALTHY baby!!!


  27. YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Congrats!!!! I too miscarried triplets in May…with NO negative symptoms..except they had all lost heartbeats…SO Heartbreaking! I will pray for you and that little baby:)!

  28. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYYYY!!!! And huge hug to you for all the pain you’ve went through with your other pregnancies. I lost a baby and that is a pain that feels unbearable. So glad we serve a BIG GOD who has our best in mind because otherwise I don’t know how people get through it. CONGRATS AGAIN!!

  29. How exciting! So happy for you and will keep you in our prayers that all goes perfectly.

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