This summer I decided that I was going to try to tackle 2 things: Getting my house in order with discipline and implementing a rewards system for my girls and Couponing. Knowing that kids respond well to routine and how they seem to behave better when they know exactly what it expected of them, I wanted to post some house rules to refer to.

I went to the Christmas Tree Shops and picked up a few cheap frames for $2.99 each.

(As much as I try to take good pictures they never seem to come out good. Grrrr……)
I started with this frame. I love the mat look but I wanted to dress it up a bit so I took some fabric, Mod Podge, a rotary cutter and went to work. First I applied some Mod Podge to the mat itself and then placed the glue side down onto a piece of fabric and smoothed all the wrinkles out.
Next I took my rotary cutter and cut an “X” through the fabric in the center of the mat so that I could fold the fabric back and glue down. I think
I didn’t take a picture of this part but I trimmed those little triangles down so that they would not go past the edge of the mat frame. After I applied the Mod Podge to the mat, I pulled each triangle tight so that it would look nice and finished on the front side of the mat.
I popped in my “Miller House Rules” that I had created and just printed out on white card stock and now I have a pretty frame to hang in my kitchen and some house rules that I can refer to when my girls are acting up. šŸ™‚
Establishing some house rules has really helped to keep order this summer. I also implemented a reward system as I mentioned earlier and I will be posting about that soon. šŸ™‚

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  1. That turned out darling! I like how you used cute fonts for your rules – do you think the kids will think it’s more fun not to whine since it’s printed in a fun font? I’ll have to try it and see if it works. haha Anyway, GREAT project!

  2. I love this idea! That matt looks so cute. It’s perfect for anything with words. I like that!

  3. That matte is amazing. One of those lightbulb projects and I love the rules being posted in such a orrery way!

  4. Thrifty Crafty Girl says:

    That is really cute! In my house though, I’d use it for the husband, not the kids. šŸ˜‰

  5. So cute… that fabric! The house rules is such a cute idea.

  6. I LOVE this idea. I have some pictures in mind to try this on. It will really add some color and pop to the frames!

  7. What a great idea. It’s true, when the rules are posted no one can ignore them, especially since they are so pretty and all. I’ve been giving old frames new life lately. Check out my post about DIY Art at
    As usual your ideas are wonderful and easy to follow. thanks for sharing.

  8. While She Was Sleeping says:

    Yeah, Diana, this is really a good one. I’ve so been wanting to put up some pictures around here and didn’t want to spend on expensive frames. THIS is my solution. I’d have never thought of covering the inside part with fabric either. Such a good idea. You’re pictures are totally fine. Love your shadow, lol. šŸ˜‰

  9. Jessica Nicely says:

    First, I want to say I am a new follower and I am SO excited I found your blog! It is SOOOOO cute!!!! šŸ™‚ Love it!
    I have been meaning to create something like this for forever! You’ve inspired me to get on it! šŸ˜‰ Thanks! šŸ™‚

  10. love that idea, and the brown sugar banana bread looks mouthwateringly delicious!!!
    have a fantastic day!

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