Happy New Year Everyone!!! I hope you all had a blessed Christmas season! I’m really excited to get going on some new projects and I think I may even be more excited to see what everyone else is going to create this year.

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve featured anyone and I thought I’d start off the new year with a Feature Friday.

Earlier in the week I came across the Craft Rookie. Now, I have no idea how I managed to go this long without finding her. She’s great! You hafta check her out! Not only is she crafty, but she’s funny too! Check out this post HERE for a good laugh!

While you’re there, why don’t you mosey on over to her post on Coasters and Baby Shower Gifts.

Another really neat blog that I happened across this week is Attempting Creative. This chick rocks! I was hooked as soon as I saw her post on photo tags. I mean, really. How adorable! And then I fell in love with her creative gift wrapping post.

Told ya! Now Go and be sure to tell them that The Girl Creative sent you. 🙂

Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. Super cute!!!! I am going to check out her site right now! what a great way to spruce up gift wrapping! Love it!

    Missy, The Little Green Bean

  2. Thank you so much for featuring me! I am soooo honored! Can’t wait to see what great feedback your awesome followers have. Happy 2010!!! And thanks again!

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