Coloring Easter Eggs is one of the first activities that come to mind when I think of Easter traditions. There are so many ways to decorate eggs that range from traditional dye to coloring eggs with paint and markers. Here are 13 Creative Ways to Decorate Easter Eggs that you can do with your family.

Easter Egg Ideas

I remember decorating Easter Eggs as a kid when all you had was the dye kit that produced solid colors. When my nephews came along things advanced just a bit to glitter and stickers.

By the time I had my own kids there were all kinds of creative ways to decorate Easter eggs.

You can never go wrong with tradition especially if you’re under time constraints or if you waited until the last minute. If you are more of a planner then boy do I have some fun ways to decorate eggs for you to check out.


How to Decorate Easter Eggs


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  1. These are incredibly beautiful!! So precisiely decorated, you’ve left me feeling very inspired and creative! loving your blog!

  2. We love these ideas! Just posted this to our Twitter and Facebook page! Happy Easter!
    ADA Collection

  3. I love the black & white Easter Eggs. I haven’t seen that color scheme before for Easter eggs.

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