EASTER_GIFT_IDEAS Easter Baskets have sure come a long way, haven’t they? I remember as a child getting one of those plastic baskets with the really long handle. Anyone remember those? I’m pretty sure they are still around! And I remember getting a hollow chocolate bunny, some plastic grass, a few colored eggs and some loose jelly beans floating around in my basket and that was about it. I loved it though. That was pretty much standard and life was simpler then. 🙂
Today, Easter Baskets have come a long way! Just this year alone I bought my girls things like Fun Dip, stickers, a marshmallow lolly pop and a few other treats. I did buy a plastic basket (different from the ones I used to get) and did use the same colored grass so some things haven’t changed too much.  Can’t blame me for wanting to have my kids have some of the same memories I had as a child.
Easter is not just for kids, ya know. And there are Easter Gifts you can get that will make any adult happy. How about a gourmet carrot cake for that favorite uncle across the miles who still spoils you even though you are in your 30’s? What about a nice a fruit basket for your grandparents who you don’t see that often anymore but want to let them know you are thinking about them? The sky is the limit in this day and age!
So, don’t forget to let the people close to you know how much you love them and are thinking about them this Easter season.

*This post was brought to you by our friends at Gourmet Gift Baskets and although I was compensated for this post, the thoughts and ideas are entirely my own.

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