Easter is a few weeks away but in case you are a last minute girl like me and still need to add some Easter decor to your house, I’ve got you covered with this Easter Subway Art printable. Easter Subway Art-blogsize

As you know, I’m a Jesus lovin’ girl. Although I do the whole Easter Basket thing(I love any reason to spoil my kids with goodies!)  I never want this holiday to go by without acknowledging the whole reason why we celebrate. Without Jesus and His ultimate sacrifice for us and our sins, we’d be lost. I know I can’t thank Him enough for this amazing gift He’s given me. At times I find myself in awe of just how much He loves me, loves US really. I’m so undeserving. I fall short every. single. day. I fail Him. I fail my family. I say things I shouldn’t. I don’t do what I should do and I do what I shouldn’t. I put other things before Him. And Jesus, knowing all this beforehand, still, STILL died for me and for my sins….and you and your sins. It’s amazing, isn’t it?

This past weekend was my birthday and throughout the whole week, God blessed me SO MUCH. I know He’s so good and yet I couldn’t believe He was being so good to me.  Does that make sense? If I’m being honest, I struggle with my walk. I struggle with putting things before my relationship with Him. I’ve felt like I’ve been in one of those dreaded “valleys” for such a long time. And He chose to bless me this week in some big ways. Totally blew me away. Just reminded me of the fact that it’s totally NOT about being good or doing what’s right or being perfect. It’s about His unconditional love for me and the choice I made a long time ago to accept His wonderful gift of salvation. 🙂 I’m His kid and He’s just taking care of me. I just love Him.

I don’t know where this came from. lol I was just really planning on just sharing the subway art but maybe someone is going to read this and will have needed to hear it.

 Click IMAGE BELOW to download free PDF. Personal Use Only

**Please do not share this file in any digital format. Please direct people to this post to download.

© 2012 The Girl Creative

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  1. Love the subway art and it could be left up year round! I understand what you are talking about. HE is so loving, kind and gentle with us. When we are convicted of junk, HE doesn’t bash us, we do it on our own. Have a blessed Easter season.

  2. Diana, I cannot thank you enough for this post and video. I’m a follower and silent “talker”, but I had to say something now. Without going into all the detail, we are going through a horrible time right now after my daughter was involved in a life threatening wreck last week. I so needed to hear that message and thank you from the bottom of my heart. God is good and will carry us all through this challenge. Thank you.

  3. Thank you for your honesty and courage to put it out there. I was down in the dumps today because my mouth got the best o’ me with my son and then God reminded me that without the SON, all things are impossible. SO to my knees I go again and again and He always picks me up again. extraordinary.

  4. Awesome subway art and a great reminder of the true meaning of this Easter season. My son’s school refers to this weekend as “Resurrection Holidays” just to remind the kids of the true celebration…not a bad idea.

  5. I’ve been telling myself and praying this week that the Lord would keep the meaning of this week foremost in my mind. I have such a tendency to forget and to get caught up in the meal, the egg hunts, the easter dress… thanks for this reminder!

  6. Chase the Star says:

    Thank you for this! This is something that can definitely stay up all year. I spent the afternoon buying all sorts of candy and junk for ‘Easter’, but not once did I remind my son what the real reason is (he’s 4). I’ve done it before, but today I focused on eggs and bunnies, and baskets. Thanks for the reminder that HE is the reason we live. He is Risen! Amen:)

    Barbara @ Chase the Star

  7. You have said it perfectly – AMEN and AMEN! I live the life I live today because he lived a perfect life, died a horrid death and rose again! Because He LIVES I can face tomorrow 🙂 Thank you for this reminder – looking forward to the day when He comes to collect His bride, I’ll enjoy worshiping him together with you 🙂

  8. tellusasecretrhyme says:

    Hello Sister … you are exactly right! I most certainly needed to hear this. I struggle to have the faith of Thomas (his response to seeing Jesus was belief: ‘My Lord and my God’), but sometimes it is hard to believe I am really His because I have done so many atrocious things since coming to Him when I was seventeen. I ask myself, how can I be His and do the things I’ve done? Thank you for your lovely artwork gifts and for the encouraging words!

  9. Said so beautifully. What it is all about. <3

  10. I am so glad you wrote this! It’s as if you took the words from me. I feel the same way all the time. I struggle with my walk and put things before Him as well. I can get so down about it. This is an awesome reminder of his mercy and grace. Thank you for sharing.

  11. Great post and GORGEOUS subway art.
    Nothing we can do will make Him love us more and nothing we do will make Him love us less. LOve your honesty and your authenticity.

  12. Oh and I ment to say thank you so much for sharing your beautiful subway art with us – very generous to allow us to share it too.
    God BLESS you! Mwah

  13. superbe !!!… je cherche des freebies sur le Net pour les partager, pour l’instant sur Pinterest (où j’ai déjà plus de 12000 liens vers des téléchargements gratuits), en attendant l’ouverture de mon propre site, et je vais vite poster le lien pour que tout le monde puisse télécharger et utiliser ce joli imprimable !… merci pour le partage, Is… (si vous voulez voir ce que je fais, c’est là : http://pinterest.com/lemondedis/easter-freebies/ )

  14. Is there any chance of you putting this in dropbox again? My little girl was really wanting a copy. Thanks so much!

    1. I just updated this link. 🙂 Thanks so much for letting me know it wasn’t available anymore. XOXO

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