Okay, the hubs is at play practice, the girls are in bed, time for some fun! Yeah!!!! I went shopping today at Hobby Lobby and Dollar Tree with no real project or idea in mind. Bad idea. Bad! As I was about to leave the dollar store without making a purchase I spotted these pictures (so wish I would have taken a picture of them alone rather than just in my photo of supplies). The picture themselves were not terrible but definitely not something I wanted or needed for my house. I turned it over and was happy to see that it was pressboard. And then the lightbulb came on and I knew exactly what I wanted to do with them. I picked up a few more things and went home very excited to get to work.

Fast forward a few hours after working on my project for my guest post over at Lucky Star Lane tomorrow, picking up my daughter from preschool, making lunch for the hubs and I, I was finally able to get to work.

Here is what I started out with:
Dollar store pictures; dollar store clips, scrapbook paper (not shown: mod podge, hot glue gun and my Cricut)

First I covered the picture with Mod Podge and then laid the scrapbook paper on it, smoothing out all the bubbles with an expired BJ’s card. I folded the edges over and mod podged them as well so that each end was covered. The original picture was this nasty yellow color. Couldn’t have that!

Next I took my dollar store clips, traced them onto coordinating scrapbook paper and cut them out. I distressed them a bit and then mod podged the paper onto the clips. I took my hot glue gun and glued the clips to the bottom of the board.

Somewhere in the middle of all this I used my distress ink and distressed the board itself.

Lastly, I took my Cricut and cut out regular letters and shadow letters spelling out my girls names, Emilee and Grace. I used this book of tiny sticky dots that I had on hand to stick the letters on. I also cut out little flowers from the same paper I used for their letters and stuck them on there as well. Note: the picture came with a metal hook on the back but it was screwed in so that the picture would have to be used portrait. I unscrewed it and just put it where I wanted it. It was really easy to do.

Here they are hanging on the wall in their bedroom. The purpose of these boards is so that Emilee stops stealing my tape to hang her drawings all over her walls. Now she doesn’t have to and we are both happy!

Here’s a close up of each of them. I could not be happier with how they turned out. Definitely one of my favorite projects to date. 🙂

I will be linking up to all of my favorite link parties that I have posted in my sidebar.

Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. ADORABLE!!! Absolutely adorable, great job!!


  2. Too CuTe! I’ve wanted to make some sort of hanging/display board for my craft office for quite some time. I’ve toyed with the idea of Mod Podging a clipboard, but I like your idea as well. Hmm. The creative juices are flowing!

  3. This is awesome! Way too lovely and wonderful imagination by you!

  4. So cute and you spell your Emilee the same way I spell mine. I love them and what a great idea.

  5. Have you ever used a Xyron Create-a-sticker? It is magical for use with Cricut cut letters. They are relatively inexpensive at Wal-Mart or Hobby Lobby. They come in a variety of sizes, but the smallest one works well for lettering projects.

    I have enjoyed reading your blog over the last few weeks. (I discovered you over Christmas break.) Thanks for all the crafty ideas!

  6. LOVE! my daughter and family will be moving into theie new house next month..having 2 little girls themselves, I think this would be wonderful in their rooms…for sure will be making these..Great Job!!!

  7. I love these! So creative, and it didn’t cost very much to make. Could there be a better combination??

  8. Very Cute idea! My kids love to tape everything on their walls. This would be great! Thanks!

  9. Angie @ The Country Chic Cottage says:

    I have a tape stealer of my own. Thanks for the inspiration!

  10. Ooooo! these are so cute. I may have to make some for our house!

  11. Very sweet project. I love the distressed look you gave them! The dollar store rules! =)

  12. Too cute for me! My daughter’s name is Emily!!! but as u can see spelt a little different!

    Thanks for joining my party Get your craft on Thurs. I hope you join me next week. Mr. Linky disappeared for a while tonight I thought I lost all of my guest, but it finally came back. I will not be using Mr. Linky anymore!

  13. Steph @ somewhatsimple says:

    so fun!

  14. Just lovely! you are so creative 🙂 looking forward to more of your practical solutions that are cuter than life!

    ~ Emily N. from “too Blessed to Stress”

  15. These great boards are going to be featured tomorrow at the Talented Tuesdays link party at My Frugal Family!

    Please feel free to stop by the blog and pick up a “Featured At” button!

  16. Very cute!! I’m decorating a clip board for my room. A credit card is a good idea for smothing the glue. I used a ruler and that was a mess. It’s just for me it doesn’t have to be perfect. I’ll blog about it when I’m done and I have a camera (mine got accidentally broken by my daughter and her friend) sigh!

  17. I love these… I’m going to do a few for around here in an ‘adult’ look. I’m so glad you posted them at the party today. I hadn’t seen these – I wasn’t blogging really back in January! Nice!

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