Thank you so much for stopping by Project Inspire (formerly known as The Girl Creative)! My name is Diana and I’m the chick behind the blog. I’m married to a cutie pie Police Officer and we live in NY with our 3 children, Emilee, Gracie and Kole. Oh and our insanely hyper, goes crazy when I put my shoes on and grab my purse, barks at anyone and everyone, dog Buster.

Here at Project Inspire you will find anything from craft tutorials to recipes to free printables like Subway Art and Cupcake toppers to posts from my heart about my relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Back when this blog was new I used to write about my crafty adventures but now almost 3 years into it God has changed my focus and I write about whatever inspires me. The sky is the limit.

Every Sunday night I host a linky party, Just Something I Whipped Up. There you can share a link to a project that you have been working on and that you are proud of. I go through each week’s party looking for projects that inspire me and I go and Pin them so you never know, it might just be yours!

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